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Transhumance landscapes are sensitive semi-natural environments in upland European areas. Shaped through human activities from the earliest times, they provide habitat for many threatened species and produced a rich cultural heritage. They bear witness to the complex and mutually beneficial interplay between natural resources and human activities. Today, they are threatened by societal, economic and ecological factors. The purpose of this article is to identify the roles and intangible values of transhumance systems through the analysis of three studies, in Norway, France and Spain, and to raise awareness about the benefits of continuous traditional transhumance practices for the preservation of pastoral biodiversity and the mountain landscapes’ character.


Is there a bilateral symmetry between nature and culture and ecological processes in landscape dynamics? With new contexts and changing understandings of nature and environmental challenges in mind, this paper addresses the question of nature-culture synergies in mountain protected landscapes, with a specific focus on the Norwegian national park of Hardangervidda. Based on age-old socio-ecological grazing systems, these fragile and complex ecosystems are facing manifold environmental challenges and societal issues that endangered their rich natural and cultural heritage. The main goal is to explore the modern Norwegian farmers society and their cultural and philosophical aspirations and knowledgeable insights about nature and the management of mountain and upland areas. Teachings based on Traditional Ecological Knowledge and immaterial cultural heritage values may lead towards new attitudes that stimulate to realistic strategies regarding environmental and socio-economic issues of the time. We believe that a holistic approach of the nature-culture synergies can support a sustainable preservation and societal development of the neighbouring users/communities and prevent the impoverishment and degradation of cultural and biological values of Norwegian national parks.


Foredraget satte fokus på den norske og svenske seterkulturen, hvilke likheter som finnes og hva som er forskjellig. Seterbruk/fäbodbruk ble definert og diskutert. Den historiske utbredelsen til seterbruket i Norge og Sverige ble presentert, sammen med de forskjellige seterbrukstypene og aktiviteter som var knyttet til seterbruket. Videre ble det satt fokus på den immaterielle kulturarven knyttet til seterbruket, og hvem som forvalter seterkulturen i dag. Foredraget var et innspill til arbeidet med å få nominert seterkulturen i Norge og Sverige til Unescos liste for immateriell kulturarv.