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HVORDAN EFFEKTIVT MÅLE FUKTIGHET I SKOGSFLIS? Når du holder hånden din mot brennende ild, føler du varmen, men hva skjer? Brannen gir ut lys og stråling. Mye av dette er nær infrarød (NIR) stråling...

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Microbiological degradation of wood by decay fungi can cause a rapid change in the structural properties of timber which can result in both strength and mass loss. Traditional techniques for the evaluation of decay (e.g. mass loss) lack the sensitivity to evaluate the effects of the very first stages of the decay process. This paper describes the effects of initial brown rot decay, defined by the amount of Poria placenta genomic DNA (gDNA) present in the samples, on the dynamic mechanical properties of the timber. It was found that there is a correlation between the mean storage modulus of the timber and the amount of P. placenta gDNA present, and therefore the level of decay. This shows that using dynamic mechanical analysis is a viable technique that can be used to study initial decay processes.


Den totale energibruken i Norge utgjorde 215 TWh i 2016. Av dette utgjorde energiforbruket av ved i husholdninger og fritidshus om lag 5,7 TWh. Ved utgjør om lag halvparten av det totale forbruket av bioenergi. Forbruket av ved avhenger av vintertemperatur. Mange husholdninger har installert varmepumper, og forbruket av ved har falt noe de siste årene. Samtidig har nye energieffektive vedovner og godt isolerte hus ført til mindre behov for store mengder fyringsved.

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Bio-based building materials offer a wide range of outlooks, from traditional rustic to modern design products. Recent development in the science of materials significantly improves their functional performance. However, when considering the use of bio-materials in outdoor environments, materials will deteriorate due to processes like weathering, oxidation, biodegradation, wear, and decay. Consequentially, biomaterials may lose visual appeal, leading to a perceived need for replacement even if the material is far from reaching functional failure. Visual assessment is the most direct method for evaluation of the aesthetic appearance of materials. However, it possesses a high degree of subjectivity when performed by an untrained person. On the contrary, measurement of surface properties with dedicated sensors provides objective values that might be related to the current state of the material in use. Recent developments in field of optics and electronics opens a new possibility to perform measurements in-situ. Colour-, gloss-, or spectro-photo-meters allow non-destructive measurements without particular sample preparation. Since all of the above techniques provide complementary information, the multi-sensor approach is more frequently suggested for applied research. The material state can be assessed regularly during service life. In this case, such measurement turns into monitoring. The paper illustrates examples of assessment and monitoring of biomaterials’ degradation due to weathering. Direct implementation of various sensors is demonstrated. A proposal for the approach of combining data provided by various sensing techniques with data mining is also presented.