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The relationships between measures of forest structure as derived from airborne laser scanner data and the variation in quantity (Q) and vitality (V) of young trees in a size-diverse spruce forest were analyzed. A regeneration success rate (Q), leader length (V), relative leader length (V), and apical dominance ratio (V) were regressed against 27 different laser-derived explanatory variables representing three different spatial scales. The resulting 81 different models for each response variable were ranked according to their Akaike information criterion score and significance level. Each laser variable was then associated with four categories. These were scale, return, fraction, and type. Within the scale category, laser variables were grouped according to the spatial scale from which they originated. Similarly, within the return, fraction, and type categories, the variables were grouped according to if they originated from first or last return echoes; if they originated from lower, middle, or upper fraction of the range of laser heights or values derived from the full range of laser pulses, and if they were canopy height or canopy density metrics. The results show that the laser variables were strongest correlated with the quantity of small trees and that these variables could be attributed to large-scale, last return, lower fraction, and density metrics. The correlations with the vitality responses were weaker, but the results indicate that variables derived from a smaller scale than for the quantity were better in order to explain variation in leader length, relative leader length, and apical dominance ratio. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Dette er resultatet av et forprosjekt innen temaet vind og skogskader, hvor målet har vært å legge et grunnlag for en eventuell videre forskning innen dette temaet. Vi har bygget opp et modell-datasett for skog og vinddata på Østlandet, og estimert at omkring 18 mill m3 virke ville blåst ned i denne landsdelen ved en 100- års storm. Dette utgjør omkring 4,4% av den stående kubikkmassen. Skogbehandlingen kan ha stor innvirkning på omfanget av vindskader på skog. Dette er demonstrert ved å beregne hvor stort volum vindfall vi ville fått med tre alternativer for skogbehandling, dvs. ved å variere bestandsstørrelse og trærnes diameter/ høyde-forhold i modell-datasettet. En strategi for å avveie hensynet til stabilitet opp mot andre hensyn i skogbehandlingen er å differensiere skogbehandlingen etter risikoen for vindskader, dvs. å fokusere på stabilitet der risikoen for vindskader er høy. Vi har prøvet modellen WINDA, som beregner risiko for vindskader for hvert bestand i en skogbruksplan, og slike modeller kan være et hjelpemiddel for skogeiere til å differensiere skogbehandlingen. Det viktigste utbyttet av dette er at vi har fått innblikk i hvordan slik modellering kan gjøres, og hvilke resultater man kan forvente å få. Det har blitt klart at hvis det skal gjøres slik modellering i Norge, må metoden videreutvikles for norske forhold, bl.a. for å håndtere det bratte norske terrenget. For øvrig synes WINDA-modelleringen å være godt faglig fundert og gi gode prediksjoner for risiko for vindskader, selv om vi i dette prosjektet ikke har hatt ressurser til å gjøre en fullstendig utprøving og validering av modellen.


Insect-induced damages in forests are a major concern for timber production, landscape conservation and ecosystem research. Early detection methods based on remote sensing data can document the severity and spatial extent of ongoing attacks and might aid in designing mitigation measures or even prevention where necessary. In southeastern Norway, a large-scale insect defoliation of pine trees is ongoing. The larvae of the Pine sawfly Neodiprion sertifer reate it with its mass attacks during their feeding on needles in June and July. In the winter before the attack, egg galleries are evident in the needles. This provides a test case for early detection methods and remote sensing techniques for monitoring forest health....


In European forests, standings stocks are currently increasing and are higher than ever during the last decades. This is due to a multitude of reasons; human impacts such as reduced logging or the abandonment of agricultural land are clearly among them. However, data from intensive monitoring plots reveal an increased growth even in the absence of direct human intervention. For this study, we used a set of 363 such plots from 16 European countries, which are a subset of the ICP-Forests Level II plots, and are typically rectangular areas with a size of 0.25 ha. We investigated the influence of environmental factors on forest growth. In particular, the role of nitrogen, sulphur and acid deposition, temperature, precipitation and drought was elucidated. The study focussed on the tree species Norway spruce, Scots pine, common beech and European as well as sessile oak. We used existing information on site productivity, stand age and stand density to estimate expected growth. Relative tree growth was then calculated as the ratio between actual growth, obtained within a five years observation period, and expected growth. The site productivity incorporates past environmental conditions and was either computed from site index curves, where we distinguished Northern, Central and Southern Europe variants, or was taken from expert estimates. The models explained between 18% and 39% of the variance. Site productivity and stand age were positively and negatively related to actual growth, respectively. The results indicated consistently a fertilizing effect from nitrogen deposition, with roughly one percent increase in site productivity per kg of nitrogen deposition per ha and year, most pronounced for plots having soil C/N ratios above 25. We also found a positive albeit less clear relationship between relative growth and summer temperatures. Other influences were uncertain. In particular, we cannot conclude on detrimental effects on growth from sulphur and acid deposition or from drought periods.


Life on earth depends on water and where running water occurs on earth, there is life. Nevertheless, existing modelling approaches in hydrology almost completely neglect the biological aspects of water flow. We claim that ignoring biological behaviour and interaction in catchment runoff modelling is too restrictive, and that computational theories can be used to formalise behaviour and interaction and model the biological impact on runoff. To demonstrate this, starting with a general classification of catchment behaviour, as documented in runoff data, we will use symbolic dynamics to quantify randomness and complexity in the time series. This approach shows that runoff records from very different catchments show common behaviour. This behaviour can be fitted to a one-parametric curve, stratified into three regions. In this manner, it becomes possible to represent and classify types of interactive behaviour that cannot be generated algorithmically. This suggests that physically based catchment models do not properly represent all types of interactive behaviour, and that signatures of biological interaction are present in runoff data.


Over the last decades the forestry sciences have been opened for new topics and methods. In addition to traditional forestry topics they have participated in environmental and ecosystem research. So far this type of research has been perceived as “applied”. From the modelling perspective there has been a misunderstanding among the participating disciplines of the character of knowledge being applied. Here we introduce two types of models of forest utilization and discuss their possibilities and limits for forestry sciences. The first perspective of forests is the one dominating in modelling today and in forestry sciences. It has been adopted from physics. The second perspective of forests has implicitly been adopted in the past for pragmatic reasons.