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The apple cultivar `Elstar" is the latest is the latest commercial maturing cultivar in Norway of high fruit quality when properly managed. In May 2006 a four years experiment with four different crop loads (2-4-6-8 flowers/fruitlets per TCSA cm2) were established at two stages (first bloom open and 20 mm fruitlets diameter) and compared to unthinned. Preliminary results from the two first seasons are presented. Fruit growth determination was conducted on individual fruits on each treatment during the season. Thinning at bloom to different crop levels gave a significant lower fruit set than thinning at the fruitlets stages to the same levels the first year. However, the fruit weight and the soluble solid contents were significant larger and ground colour improved when bloom thinning. The final fruit numbers at harvested was less than the amount established at bloom and fruitlets. There were significant differences between the different treatments in final fruits per TCSA and fruit set which reflected the different crop levels. Fruit weight and soluble solid contents were largest with lowest crop load and decreased with increasing crop levels. There was a strong crop load effect from the year before on the amounts of return bloom per tree. The trees thinned at bloom had significant more flower clusters than thinned at the fruitlet stage of 20 mm. The untreated, control trees had the lowest amount of flower clusters. The amount of return bloom declined with increasing crop load on the trees. The second year yield and fruit weight were larger when thinned at bloom. The highest crop load the second year was when thinned at bloom to the levels of 2 and 4 apples per TCSA the year before. The trees with the highest crop load the last year managed to give only a small crop. The fruit quality was in general high for all treatments.


Fruktdyrking er en langsiktig produksjon med store etableringskostnader. Forståelig nok har ingen dyrker lyst til å satse på ukjente sorter som det er usikkert om vil bli godt mottatt av omsetning og forbruker. Norsk kjernefruktproduksjon har derfor hatt lite fornying i sortimentet de siste årene. Et nytt prosjekt skal forsøke å rette opp på dette. Prosjektet er et samarbeide mellom fruktdyrkere, omsetningen, forsøksringene og forskningen.


Forsøk gjennomført ved Biofrosk Vest Særheim viser at angrepet av P. aphanidermatum kan reduseres kraftig ved å senke mattetemperaturen, men bare dersom dette blir gjort gjennom hele kulturperioden. Også bedre kontroll og styring av pH i perioden fra utplanting til begynnende høsting, kan være en enkel og effektiv måte for å redusere angrepet av P. aphandiermatum


Effects of temperature on the development and chemical composition of two cloudberries (Rubus chamaemorus L.) cultivars ("Fjellgull", "Nyby") were studied in a phytotron experiment. "Fjellgull" is a female cultivar while "Nyby" is bisexual (hermaphrodite). Pollen from a male cultivar "Apollen" or from "Nyby" was used to pollinate "Fjellgull". Selfpollination in "Nyby" was assisted by striking open flowers gently with a small brush. In addition, part of the flowers of both cultivars were treated with gibberellic acid (GA3, 10 µg dissolved in 10 µl ethanol). Plants were grown in 24-h photoperiod at constant temperatures of 18, 15, 12 and 9°C. Time from pollination to ripening increased in both cultivars with decreasing temperature from about 35 days at 18°C to about 60-65 days at 9°C. Time for fruit development was not significantly affected by GA3. Berries of "Fjellgull" were significantly larger than those of "Nyby". In both cultivars, the largest berries were found at the treatments 12 or 9°C. On the other hand, seed size was smallest at 9°C and the proportion of seed weight of total fresh weight of berry decreased with decreasing temperature. Treatment with GA3 significantly reduced the average seed size in both cultivars. Pollen type had no significant effect on the rate of development or size of berries in "Fjellgull". Ripe berries were frozen at harvest at -100°C, and tannin enriched extracts were analyzed for metabolites using liquid chromatograpy " mass spectrometric (LC-MS) techniques. In addition total phenols and total anthocyanins were analysed as described by Deighton et al. (2000). Statistical analysis and data mining were performed using a principal component analysis approach. Preliminary results indicate differences in the metabolic profiles between berries grown at low temperatures compared to berries grown at high temperatures.


Bioforsk har hatt flere prosjekter innen juletreproduksjon de siste 10 årene. Målet har vært økt effektivitet i produksjonen og bedre kvalitet på sluttproduktet. Prosjektene har spent over mange tema innenfor produksjonsteknikk og plantehelse.


Bergmynte, ramsløk, karve, monarda og kornblomst brukt i samband med julebakst og julemat.


Following disturbances from a pipeline construction in a coastal heathland, the possibilities to target vegetation development and the balance between Calluna vulgaris and grasses with different fertilization strategies was tested. The effects of fertilization were transient and with time site effects dominated vegetation development.