Mekjell Meland
Seniorforsker (pensjonistavtale)
(+47) 906 28 538
Ullensvangvegen 1005, 5781 Lofthus
This paper presents some features of apple production in Norway, the northernmost apple-growing country in the world. Acceptable growing conditions prevail along the fjords in western Norway and around the lakes in eastern Norway at 60° north. These specific mesic climate conditions are associated with very long summer days (18 h daylight mid-summer) and short winter days (6 h daylight), with frost rarely occurring in the spring along the fjord areas. The present apple-growing technique in Norway is similar to that of other developed apple-growing countries, taking into account that all local growing phases involve a considerable delay in progress (1.5–2 months). Therefore, high-density planting systems based on the use of dwarf rootstocks (mainly M.9) with imported early maturing international apple cultivars are used in most orchards. The most common soil type has high organic matter content (2–18%), which persists due to the cool climate and low mineralization, and a clay content of <15%, which results from the formation of the soil from bedrock. The increase in average temperatures caused by current climatic changes leads to a complex combination of different physiological effects on apples, which can have positive or negative effects on the phenology of the trees. The main advantage of Norwegian apple production is that the quality and aroma of the fruit meet the current demands of the local market.
Successful introduction of the new cultivars requires proper pomological, phenological and as well as technological evaluation. It is particularly important at the harsh Norwegian climate conditions. Investigations were conducted with apple cultivar ‘Eden‘ / ‘Wursixo‘ (WUR 6), with the aim to establish an optimal balance between yield, fruit quality and bearing regularity. Four different crop load levels were tested in 3 consecutive years in the orchard planted 3.5 x 1 m and trained as slender spindle. Lower crop load levels guaranteed good return bloom, a very high share of fruits harvested during the first picking, and larger fruits. Increasing crop load led to less intensive return bloom, smaller fruit sizes and higher share of fruits harvested during the second picking. It was found that ‘Eden‘ is strictly alternating cultivar and precise crop load levels according to the tree age and tree vigour were defined. In order to keep ‘Eden‘ trees in regular bearing mode crop load levels should be maintained at 4.5-5 fruits cm-2 of trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA) in the 3rd and 6-7 fruits in the 4th growing season
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Divisjon for bioteknologi og plantehelse
SOLUTIONS: Nye løsninger for nedvisning av potetris, bekjempelse av ugras og utløpere i jordbær og ugraskontroll i eplehager
Håndtering av ugress og andre plantevernutfordringer er viktig for å unngå avlingstap i landbruket. Tilbudet av norske rå-, mat- og fôrvarer påvirkes av at bonden lykkes med sin innsats i åker og frukthager. Et nylig forbud mot plantevernmiddelet dikvat og den usikre framtida til glyfosat – begge viktige innsatsfaktorer i norsk jord- og hagebruk – fordrer nye løsninger. Gode alternativ til ordinære plantevernmidler er dessuten velkomne som verktøy i integrert plantevern (IPV). Norske dyrkere er siden 2015 pålagt å følge IPV. Hensikten med IPV er blant annet redusert risiko ved bruk av plantevernmidler på helse og miljø.
Divisjon for matproduksjon og samfunn
Sustainable growth of the Norwegian Horticulture Food System – GreenRoad GS35 (“GrøntStrategi mot 2035)
The main aim of GreenRoad is to deliver knowledge and solutions for increased value creation and sustainability in the horticultural food system in Norway.