Mekjell Meland

Seniorforsker (pensjonistavtale)

(+47) 906 28 538


Ullensvangvegen 1005, 5781 Lofthus

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This paper presents some features of apple production in Norway, the northernmost apple-growing country in the world. Acceptable growing conditions prevail along the fjords in western Norway and around the lakes in eastern Norway at 60° north. These specific mesic climate conditions are associated with very long summer days (18 h daylight mid-summer) and short winter days (6 h daylight), with frost rarely occurring in the spring along the fjord areas. The present apple-growing technique in Norway is similar to that of other developed apple-growing countries, taking into account that all local growing phases involve a considerable delay in progress (1.5–2 months). Therefore, high-density planting systems based on the use of dwarf rootstocks (mainly M.9) with imported early maturing international apple cultivars are used in most orchards. The most common soil type has high organic matter content (2–18%), which persists due to the cool climate and low mineralization, and a clay content of <15%, which results from the formation of the soil from bedrock. The increase in average temperatures caused by current climatic changes leads to a complex combination of different physiological effects on apples, which can have positive or negative effects on the phenology of the trees. The main advantage of Norwegian apple production is that the quality and aroma of the fruit meet the current demands of the local market.

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The aim was to determine the growth of pollen tubes throughout the transmitting tissue and the process of fertilization in open, optimal and over pollination on the 3rd, 6th and 9th day after pollination of pistillate flowers, together with apomixis. The experiment was carried out over 2 years in Lovasberény, Fejér district, Hungary, which differed in temperature conditions. The average number of pollen tubes in the locule of the ovary was significantly higher in 2017 (1.3%) than in 2019 (1%). A higher percentage of fruit set was recorded in 2017 compared to 2019. The percentage of apomictic fruits from variant of unpollination was higher in 2017 (10%) than in 2019 (3.7%). Based on these results it can be concluded that pollen tube growth and post-fertilization processes together with apomixis of cultivar ‘AK’ are better adaptable to lower temperatures. These findings may help us to move walnut production to the north or to higher altitudes, where the climate is more continental.