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Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) are used for biological control of the soil dwelling stages of the vine weevil, Otiorhynchus sulcatus, a serious pest of ornamentals and field grown strawberries. Several nematode species such as Heterorhabditis megidis, H. bacteriophora and Steinernema kraussei are commercially available in Europe for control of the vine weevil. S. kraussei is sold as a cold active strain for use outdoors at low temperatures. In southern Norway, several field trials have been conducted to examine the effect of S. kraussei on vine weevil larvae at low temperatures. The trials were assessed one month after nematode treatments and showed rather poor effect at soil temperatures below 12oC. Further work is necessary to investigate the long-term effect of the applied nematodes as well as biotic and abiotic factors that may affect nematode efficacy.


Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) are used for biological control of the soil dwelling stages of the vine weevil, Otiorhynchus sulcatus, a serious pest of ornamentals and field grown strawberries. The nematodes Heterorhabditis megidis, H. bacteriophora and Steinernema kraussei are commercially available in Europe for control of the vine weevil. S. kraussei is sold as a cold active strain for use outdoors at low temperatures. In southern Norway, several field trials were conducted in strawberries to examine the effect of S. kraussei on vine weevil larvae at low temperatures. The trials were assessed one month after nematode treatments and showed rather poor effect at soil temperatures below 12oC. Further work is necessary to investigate the long-term effect of the applied nematodes as well as biotic and abiotic factors that may affect nematode efficacy. For comparison, the nematode H. megidis was used in these same trials and the results showed that this species is effective at soil temperatures above 12oC, there was no indication that H. megidis had any effect at low temperatures.


In this study, forest treated with different strengths of selective cutting (2570 % of volume removed) was remeasured after twelve years in 2005. At each of the sixteen 0.2 ha plots, including four repeats of each treatment, all trees larger than dbh 2.5 cm were calipered. We investigated growth, changes in stand structure, tree age, tree damage and crown condition.The diameter distribution displayed a reverse J-curve at all plots both before and after the cuttings. Twelve years later the curve is only slightly changed. Increment cores from 300 trees were taken to analyse annual growth reactions in different diameter classes. Most trees reacted with increased growth from the second or third year after the cutting.This improved growth accelerated the following six or seven years with 20-80% increase. Both small and large trees reacted, including severely suppressed trees. The initial crown volume and crown vitality after cutting is essential for the increased growth since several years are necessary to build up a larger and better crown. The relationship between increased growth and reduced volume per hectare indicates less competition between trees regarding nutrients and light after the cutting.


I debatten om økologisk landbruk og plantevern vert det hevda at bruk av plantevern mot mellom anna insekt og midd vil forstyrre balansen i kulturen. Det er viktig å ha med seg at det å dyrke ein kultur over eit større areal er ei forstyrring i seg sjølv og at resultatet ofte er større angrep på grunn av lett tilgjengeleg mat.

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Innan vintergrøne lauvtre er kristtorn den klart største klyppegrøntkulturen. Mykje kristtorn vert i dag tatt ut frå villbestand, særleg i Rogaland. Kristtornproduksjonen i dette fylket har ein årleg førstehandsverdi på om lag 1,2 mill. Stort bladfall er vanlig i villbestand av kristtorn, men førekjem også i klyppegrøntfelt. Ofte vil ein sjå at berre siste års bladverk heng på buskane/trea. Bladfall (og til dels dryssing av bær) i perioden frå hausting til sal er også eit stort problem. Insektet kristtornminerfluge kan gjera stor skade på bladverket, men denne artikkelen presenterar også ei rad ulike soppar som er registrerte på skadd kristtorn her i landet.


Results from a literature review on pinewood ecology, silviculture, genetics, aspects of history and forest resources of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in western Norway are presented. The pinewoods cover 40 per cent of the forested land, 0.31 million ha. During the last 75 years, the area has increased by 17 per cent and the growing stock has risen from 10 to 34 million m3. The impact of man in previous times was very marked, and has had a significant influence on the present forest conditions. The pronounced climatic gradients mixed with the topographic variation - from the coastal plains via the fjord systems to the high mountains - is reflected in rather steep gradients in the pine forest vegetation. Various floristic elements can be distinguished, from oceanic via the suboceanic in the outer islands to the thermophytic, boreonemoral and boreal elements in the inner fjord districts and valleys. The introduction of spruce (Picea spp.) plantations on 10-15 per cent of former native pine forests has not negatively affected the bird fauna at the landscape scale. Although not particular species rich, the pine forests harbour species usually not found in other forest types. So far, most work in the field of silviculture and forest ecology in the pinewoods of West Norway has been in the form of case studies. Implications of the results for forestry in the region are briefly discussed.


Det er gjennomført en spørreundersøkelse blant bønder som viser at forsøksopplegget i programmet "Økologiske dyrkingssytemer for større og mer stabile kornavlinger" er relevant med hensyn til den pløyedybde, traktorstørrelse og det dekktrykk som brukes i praktisk økologisk korndyrking i Norge i dag. Det er samsvar mellom enkelte av de foreløpige forsøksresultatene og de tendensene en kan se fra svarene fra spørreundersøkelsen. Undersøkelsen viser at det er store variasjoner i avlingene ute hos praktikerne. Bøndene er opptatt av jordarbeiding og pakkeskader, og derfor vil resultatene en til slutt kommer fram til i forsøkene være til nytte for praktisk drift, også dersom det viser seg at utslaget for en eller flere av faktorene er lite.