NIBIOs ansatte publiserer flere hundre vitenskapelige artikler og forskningsrapporter hvert år. Her finner du referanser og lenker til publikasjoner og andre forsknings- og formidlingsaktiviteter. Samlingen oppdateres løpende med både nytt og historisk materiale. For mer informasjon om NIBIOs publikasjoner, besøk NIBIOs bibliotek.
Annbjørg KristoffersenSammendrag
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Emily FollettSammendrag
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Gleysol kjennetegnes av en gråblå basisfarge på jordsmonnet, som skyldes periodevis metning av grunnvann. For å kunne gi gode avlinger må dreneringstiltak være velfungerende.
Marie Vestergaard Henriksen Eduardo Arlé Arman Pili David A. Clarke Emili Garcia-Berthou Quentin Groom Bernd Lenzner Carsten Meyer Hanno Seebens Reid Tingley Marten Winter Melodie A McGeochSammendrag
Monitoring the extent to which invasive alien species (IAS) negatively impact the environment is crucial for understanding and mitigating biological invasions. Indeed, such information is vital for achieving Target 6 of the Kunming–Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. However, to-date indicators for tracking the environmental impacts of IAS have been either lacking or insufficient. Capitalizing on advances in data availability and impact assessment protocols, we developed environmental impact indicators to track realized and potential impacts of IAS. We also developed an information status indicator to assess the adequacy of the data underlying the impact indicators. We used data on 75 naturalized amphibians from 82 countries to demonstrate the indicators at a global scale. The information status indicator shows variation in the reliability of the data and highlights areas where absence of impact should be interpreted with caution. Impact indicators show that growth in potential impacts are dominated by predatory species, while potential impacts from both predation and disease transmission are distributed worldwide. Using open access data, the indicators are reproducible and adaptable across scales and taxa and can be used to assess global trends and distributions of IAS, assisting authorities in prioritizing control efforts and identifying areas at risk of future invasions.
Organisk materiale i jord er den primære næringskilden til alt jordliv. Høyt innhold av organisk materiale gir høy mikrobiell aktivitet som bidrar til god jordhelse. Dette kan ha hemmende effekt på plantesjukdommer som forårsakes av smitte via jord. Innhold av organisk materiale i jord og mikrobiell aktivitet påvirkes av dyrkingssystem, jordtype, lokalitet og klima.
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Diress Tsegaye Alemu Christian Pedersen Svein Olav Krøgli Anders Bryn Kerstin Potthoff Wenche DramstadSammendrag
Mountain areas in Norway provide important resources for livestock grazing. These resources are crucial for agricultural production in a country with limited agricultural land and a climate and topography that restrict production of feed and food. A key contributor in the harvest of these resources has been mountain summer farming and outfield grazing in general. However, the use of mountainous grazing resources has been declining strongly for several decades with the regrowth of formerly open areas as a consequence. In contrast, recreational use, number of holiday cabins and associated infrastructure is rapidly increasing. Conflicts between recreational and agriculture use have received increasing attention in different media. We investigated the spatial patterns of cabin development and key grazing areas in Norwegian mountain areas, analysing data on livestock, cabins, and associated infrastructure. We found a large number of cabins and associated infrastructure within high-quality grazing areas indicating that the quality of grazing has not been adequately considered in the location of new cabins. Taking into consideration that cabin development seems not to decrease, the reduced availability of grazing resources may result in an increasing level of conflict and also impact food security in the long run.
Camilla BaumannSammendrag
Here you will find 40 articles from the past year, providing a glimpse into the vast array of professional activities at NIBIO. These articles can be considered as samples from our extensive portfolio, which includes around 1500 ongoing projects across our five specialised divisions.
Marte Ragnhild Owren Ingvild Byskov Britta Maria Hoem Julien Jabot Hans H. Kolshus Kathrine Loe Bjønness Jakob Sandven Trude Melby Bothner Mona Irene Andersen Engedal Eirik Knutsen Lene Skyrudsmoen Berit Storbråten Kristina Vikesund Hart Evan Christian Wilhelm Mohr Gry Alfredsen Ana Aza Johannes Breidenbach Lise Dalsgaard Rune Eriksen Katharina Hobrak Christophe Moni Gunnhild SøgaardRedaktører
Ingeborg RønningSammendrag
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