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Michel VerheulSammendrag
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Maarit Kytö Pekka Niemelä Erkki AnnilaSammendrag
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Tore SkrøppaSammendrag
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B. R Singh R. P. Narwal Alhaji S. Jeng Åsgeir R. AlmåsSammendrag
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Roots of Picea abies seedlings were inoculated with pathogenic Pythium dimorphum. The ongoing lignification process, the accumulation of lignin, and the distribution of flavanols and condensed tannins (CT), were related to the concurrent visual disease symptoms, hyphal colonization, and cellular changes. The hyphae ramified in both the cortex and the stele within 24 h. Three days after inoculation the concentration of lignin had increased to a level twice that in noninfected tissues. With histochemical staining, the accumulation of lignin and the ongoing lignification were co-located in the inner cortex layer 4-6 days after infection. Comparison of temporal onset of lignification with the timing of the intruding hyphae shows that this defense response occurs too late to effectively prevent the pathogen from spreading. Flavanols and CT were also detected in both infected and noninfected roots.Increased staining of these compounds in infected roots was often detected in the inner cortex. Electron microscopic studies revealed that at least some of these phenolic compounds were localized either as spherules or as a layer appressed to the tonoplast of the central vacuole.
B. Långstrøm Claes Hellqvist Halvor Solheim Rolf Gref François LieutierSammendrag
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G. GoffengSammendrag
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G. GoffengSammendrag
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Ketil HaarstadSammendrag
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