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I hvilken grad kan planter utnytte ekstra mye lys en dag for å kompensere for dårlig lysforhold dagen før? Må kunstlyset slås på en dag med lite dagslys hvis innstrålingen dagen før var meget høy? Er det tilstrekkelig at totalinnstråling over noen dager oppnår et visst nivå uavhengig av lysfordelingen fra dag til dag?

Til dokument


Sensory analysis was performed on fresh fruits, frozen non-cooked jam and traditionally cooked jam of 14 strawberry cultivars. The purpose was to characterise and compare the sensory quality of different strawberry cultivars and different types of jam. The results of the investigation were presented by means of multivariate modelling methods such as principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares regression (PLS). The sensory profile of cooked jam differed from that of fresh fruits and frozen jam, explaining 75% of the total variation in the first component. Cooked jam scored high for sweet taste, stickiness, bitter taste, earthy flavour, off-flavour and total intensity of taste. Frozen jam had many of the same sensory characteristics as fresh fruits and scored high for strawberry flavour, fruity flavour and whiteness, while fresh fruits scored highest for colour strength, hue and sour taste. As analysed by means of PLS, sensory colour and flavour variables of fresh fruits were able to predict 35% of sensory cooked jam variables. Analysing early cultivars alone, sensory fresh fruit variables were able to predict 69% of sensory cooked jam variables. (C) 2000 Society of Chemical Industry.


A small number of measuring points may inflict a bias on the characterisation of flow and transport based on field experiments in the unsaturated zone. Simulation of pure advective transport of a Gaussian plume through a setup of 30 regularly placed measuring points revealed regular temporal fluctuations about the real spatial moments. An irregular setup predicted both irregular fluctuations and larger discrepancies from the real value. From these considerations, a regular setup is recommended. Spatial moments were sensitive to the plume size relative to the distance between individual measuring points. To reduce prediction errors of the variance, the distance between the measuring points should be less than twice the standard deviation of the examined plume. The total size of the setup should cover several standard deviations of the plume to avoid mass being lost from the monitored area. Numerical simulations of a dispersing plume (comparing calculations based on 9000 nodes with 30 measuring points) revealed that vertical and horizontal centres of mass were predicted well at all degrees of heterogeneity, and the same was the case for horizontal variances. Vertical variances were more susceptible to prediction errors, but estimates were of the same order of magnitude as the real values.


Brassiceye traps baited with ethylisothiocyanate were modified and used to collect live adults of Delia radicum (L.) and Delia floralis (Fallén) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae) from the field to observe the prevalence of Entomophthora muscae (Cohn) Fresenius and Strongwellsea castrans Batko & Weiser. The traps were highly effective and selective for D. radicum and D. floralis. Of the flies identified, 98.4% in 1996 and 93.7% in 1997 were either D. radicum or D. floralis. In 1997 the maximum mean catch was as high as 82 flies per trap per day, and more than 80% of these were females. During both seasons E. muscae caused relatively high levels of mortality in adult populations of D. radicum and D. floralis. The fungus caused a total infection level of 17.9% in 1996 and 47.7% in 1997 with infection peaks of 82.4% in 1996 and 87.5% in 1997. Both years, a significant positive correlation was found between E. muscae prevalence and temperature. One infection peak was observed for S. castrans in 1996, and during that season the total S. castrans infection level was 18.0%. In 1997, the total S. castrans infection level was as low as 8.1%. There is no strong indication that the prevalence of E. muscae or S. castrans differs between either the fly species or sexes within species.