Wenche Dramstad
Head of Department/Head of Research
(+47) 906 44 113
Ås O43
Visiting address
Oluf Thesens vei 43, 1433 Ås
Martina Fernandez-Campo Beatriz Rodríguez-Morales Wenche Dramstad Wendy Fjellstad Emilio R. Diaz-VarelaAbstract
The main objective of this work was to analyse how increased harvesting for bioenergy production might affect other Ecosystem Services (ES) in two Norwegian municipalities (Ringsaker and Voss). The aim was to identify locations where synergies or conflicts between ES could be expected. The spatial distribution of eight different ES (3 provision, 3 regulation and 2 cultural services) was modelled using information provided by land use spatial databases and additional data sources. Model parameters were set by integrating existing research and expert knowledge. Maps showing the level of provision of ES were analysed using a moving window to analyse scale dependence in the spatial distribution of ES provision. Map algebra was then used to identify areas providing multiple ES, thus defining the most important areas on which to focus the management of both synergies and trade-offs. Finally, specific ‘binary bundles’ maps, where bioenergy provision was compared with each of the other ES, were developed. The methodology proved its utility to assess the compatibility of bioenergy uses with other services. This straightforward approach is readily replicable in other regions and can be used as a decision support tool for planning and designing provision areas, and to ensure sustainable forest management approaches.
Wenche DramstadAbstract
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Wenche Dramstad Wendy Fjellstad Geir-Harald Strand Henrik Forsberg Mathiesen Gunnar Engan Jogeir N. StoklandAbstract
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Semi-natural grasslands are amongst the most species-rich habitats in Scandinavia and elsewhere in Europe. However, the ecological values of these habitats are threatened, by intensification of agriculture in some areas and by abandonment in others. A key question is whether current measures aiming to protect this biodiversity in Norway are in fact successful. We evaluated, in the field, the condition of 55 localities of semi-natural pastures and hay meadows recorded in the Norwegian nature database, Naturbase. We found that only 20 localities (36%) were receiving the agri-environmental subsidies for which they were all eligible. All but one of the localities receiving the subsidies were in fair to good condition, compared with just 41% of the localities that did not receive subsidies. However, only four the 16 most valuable localities, those classed as nationally important, received agri-environmental subsidies. Through a questionnaire to landowners, we found that many were not aware of the biodiversity value on their properties. Of 33 respondents, 20 (61%) knew that they had these valuable ecosystems on their property, whilst 13 (39%) did not. Further, twenty respondents were not aware that they were eligible for financial support to maintain their species-rich grasslands. We conclude that to achieve long-term conservation in habitats dependent on management, it is essential to improve dialogue with landowners.
Diress Tsegaye Alemu Christian Pedersen Svein Olav Krøgli Anders Bryn Kerstin Potthoff Wenche DramstadAbstract
Mountain areas in Norway provide important resources for livestock grazing. These resources are crucial for agricultural production in a country with limited agricultural land and a climate and topography that restrict production of feed and food. A key contributor in the harvest of these resources has been mountain summer farming and outfield grazing in general. However, the use of mountainous grazing resources has been declining strongly for several decades with the regrowth of formerly open areas as a consequence. In contrast, recreational use, number of holiday cabins and associated infrastructure is rapidly increasing. Conflicts between recreational and agriculture use have received increasing attention in different media. We investigated the spatial patterns of cabin development and key grazing areas in Norwegian mountain areas, analysing data on livestock, cabins, and associated infrastructure. We found a large number of cabins and associated infrastructure within high-quality grazing areas indicating that the quality of grazing has not been adequately considered in the location of new cabins. Taking into consideration that cabin development seems not to decrease, the reduced availability of grazing resources may result in an increasing level of conflict and also impact food security in the long run.
The Norwegian monitoring programme for agricultural landscapes has been running for 25 years, collecting data on status and change in agricultural landscapes. The programme is based on mapping of a thousand 1 x 1km squares from aerial photographs, with field work to record birds and plants at around 10 % of the squares. In 2021, the programme introduced field recording of butterflies and bumblebees along a 1 km transect at ten monitoring squares. In spite of the low number of sites, we found a clear trend between landscape spatial structure and number of pollinators. Both the number of individuals and number of species increased with increasing landscape heterogeneity. This mirrored patterns that have been detected in the monitoring of farmland birds. Much is known about how to improve farming landscapes for pollinators. In Norway, agri-environmental subsides are available to encourage the management of flowery pollinator zones adjacent to arable land. First, farmers received payment to sow nectar-rich plants such as the non-native Phacelia tanacetifolia in field margins. Then higher subsidy rates were introduced for using seed mixes of regional plant species. The latest development is payment for managing zones adjacent to the crop, typically woodland edges. This saves agricultural soil for food production, whilst expanding the role of farmers in contributing to pollinator-friendly landscapes.