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Undersøkelsene omfatter målinger av vannavløp og utvasking av næringsstoff fra to jordarter (siltig sand og mellomsand) som er typiske for store deler av Jæren, over en seks års periode med eng. Bruk av bare handelsgjødsel er sammenlignet med bruk av bare husdyrgjødsel eller en kombinasjon av begge. I tillegg til utvasking er det målt avlingsnivå og opptak av næringsstoffer, og det er utført balansebergeninger. Både jordart og årsnedbør var viktige faktorer for utvaskingstapene, mens gjødslingsmåten spilte en relativt mindre rolle.


Jordbæra må kjølast straks dei er hausta for å sikra kvaliteten. Når bæra ligg i sola kan temperaturen inne i bæra vera svært høg, og kvalitetsredusksjonen går raskt straks dei vert hausta. Kjølekapsiteten på lageret må vera stor og det må nyttast kjøletunnel for å få raskast mogeleg kjøling inne i kassane og korgene


One of the major objects of the Agricultural Environmental Monitoring Program in Norway is to document the effect of different agricultural production systems and site-specific characteristics on erosion losses and losses of nutrients to surface waters. The program registers and reports on the extent of erosion and nutrient losses from 10 different agricultural dominated catchments (65 to 8 700 ha) under various agro-climatological conditions. One of the most striking results from the monitoring so far are the enormous variability between the catchments. Erosion varies from around 100 kg ha-1year-1 in three of the catchments to nearly 3 000 kg ha-1 arable land in one catchment. Highest erosion are measured in catchments with large autumn-ploughed area. Losses of phosphorus are highly connected to SS. It varies from around 0,4 kg ha-1 in catchments with low erosion to around 4 kg ha-1 in catchments with high erosion and high livestock density. In catchments with high livestock density manure is mainly (60-100 %) spread in spring. The losses of nitrogen also show large variability between catchments and are highly correlated to water discharge. Nitrogen losses vary from 20 kg ha-1 to nearly 90 kg ha-1, highest in an intensive horticultural catchment. Lowest losses of nitrogen are measured in two areas of cereal production, where silty soils are dominating and in two areas with pasture and low temperatures in summer. Nitrogen losses are generally high in catchments with high livestock density. Monitoring on catchment scale gives the effect of many different agricultural practices and site-specific characteristics in one point. Variations in erosion and nutrient losses are a sum of positive and negative effects within the catchment area. Nevertheless the results suggest that erosion and nutrient losses be related to a set of agricultural practices and site specific characteristics.