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Two inbred rapeseed lines differing in aliphatic glucosinolate content and the reciprocal hybrids between them were grown under greenhouse conditions until seed maturity at three levels of sulphur supply. Heterosis was confirmed for seed yield and yield related traits irrespective of sulphur supply. Seeds harvested from the F1-hybrid plants were all high in aliphatic glucosinolates. The line low in aliphatic glucosinolates yielded seeds that were lower in methionine and cysteine than the other genotypes did at all levels of sulphur supply. It was, however, not more severely affected by suboptimal supply than the line high in glucosinolates


Holdbarheit er viktig inann pærer, og må vektleggjast sterkt i seleksjon. I vårt foredlingsprogram blir holdbarheit vurdert både som fastleik og indre nedbryting ved faste intervall, 4-8 og 12 døger etter uttak frå kjølelager. Fruktutviklinga målt ved fruktfastleik var svært variabel ved hausting, men det vart ikkje funne direkte samanheng mellom fastleik og indre nedbryting. Populasjonsgjennomsnitt er presenterte. Clara Frijs og Conference var gode foreldre, medan Broket Juli gav avkom med kort holdbarheit.


Forage grasses and legumes have traditionally been conserved ex situ in seed banks. One criticism against the ex situ conservation methods is that it stops evolution that occurs in a changing environment. In situ and On Farm conservation is an interesting conservation method in forages. During our recent history a large number of landraces have been adapted to different local growing conditions. Usually the landraces are inferior to commercial cultivars. Grindstad timothy is an exemption, it is the best timothy cultivar in southern Norway. Grindstad is a good example how a landrace evolves over time to changing agricultural practises and demonstrate in a good way how powerful On Farm conservation can be in changing a landrace in a useful direction. In situ conservation should not be seen as an alternative to ex situ conservation, but rather as a useful complementary method.


Side effects of the permethrin formulations Gori 920 and Gori 920 L, the fenvalerate formulation Sumicidin 10 FW and the emulsifier of the Gori formulations have been studied in seedlings of Norway spruce. Whole plant treatment with the Gori formulations in early autumn resulted in a 5 - 10 C poorer frost tolerance (TDI) later in the autumn. Moreover, this treatment increased mortality by 30 % within two years of testing in field trials. A basal part treatment with the Gori formulations and whole plant treatment with Sumicidin 10FW containing 10 % fenvalerate, gave on the other hand no negative effects during two years of field testing. Late autumn treatment with Gori 920 and Gori 920 L. followed by cold storage for six months revealed poorer frost tolerance (3-4 C) in the spring than the control. These treatments also reduced leader shoot growth in the first year, and increased the frequency of plants lacking a dominant leader after two years by 20-40 %. The detrimental agent in Gori 920 L was found to be the emulsifier, ethoxylated nonylphenol, alone and in combination with the dispersal agent, the linseed oil. The linseed oil gave no significant additional negative effect on frost resistance and growth after the cold storage during the winter. The investigation demonstrates the necessity of testing for possible side effects before practical use of any commercial pesticide formulation. The experiments were conducted in Norway at the nursery of Buskerud Forestry Society and at The Norwegian Forest Research Institute at s