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Ricardo Holgado Magne Støen Christer Magnusson Bonsak HammeraasSammendrag
Several species of cyst nematodes in the genus Heterodera attack cereals. The most common, and maybe the most important species, is the cereal cyst nematode (CCN) H. avenae, which was first reported in Norway in 1925. The dominant cereal in Norway is barley, followed by oats and wheat. The acreage grown under wheat has increased by 70% during 1985 to1995. Field damage by cereal cyst nematode is shown as patches with uneven growth, which is most clearly seen in oats; in addition to cereals several species of grass are hosts of some cereal cyst nematodes. This report gives a background to some problems related to cyst nematodes on cereals, and is the result of a recent survey of the genus Heterodera in cereals in Norway. The results are based on the analysis of 220 samples for the years 1995-1998. Nematodes in the genus Heterodera are common in Norwegian cereal fields and have been recorded from the county of Agder in the county of Nordland. In this survey the highest frequencies of occurrence were found in oats and wheat. Earlier studies have demonstrated Ha51 to be the dominant pathotype of H. avenae in Norway. The observed increase in damage may relate to the lack of resistance of Ha51 in current cultivars, and a shift in pathotype frequency of CCN. The increased acreage of wheat and the cultivation of susceptible cereals when used as a pre-crop to oats and wheat could also contribute to the increase in damage. Knowledge of the occurrence and distribution of different species and pathotypes of cyst nematodes on cereals in Norway also needs to be developed. Screening the current cultivars for resistance against cereal cyst nematodes, and finding effective nematode pest control strategies is also urgently needed.
Marianne BechmannSammendrag
The aim of a P index for Norway is to localize fields where measures should be implemented. In contrast to general implementation of measures this will affect only fields with a high risk of P loss and thus, do not put substantial restrictions on fields, which do only have marginal impact on water quality. The P index has been adapted to different geographic regions throughout the U.S.A. If properly constructed, the P index concept may be a valuable tool for managing P losses from agricultural landscapes in Norway. Analysis of existing data that describes the relationship between P loss and site-specific factors is needed for selection of appropriate factors, ratings and weightings for a geographically adapted P index. This review suggests that P-AL may be used as a factor for soil P content, though the relationship between P-AL and runoff of dissolved P needs further investigation. The special factors related to cold climate needs to be evaluated for the P application factor, e.g. release of soluble P from frozen plant residues. The P application factor also needs to be adapted to local methods of P application, including both incorporation of manure on arable land, surface application on pastures and grazed land. The Norwegian erosion risk mapping may form a basis for the erosion factor, though some additional estimates needs to be developed, e.g. the concentrated flow erosion and differences in erosion caused by aspect. A factor for runoff generation may consist of hydraulic conductivity and amount of precipitation. Tile draining creates a need for evaluation of the factor for P loss through subsurface drainage. The connectivity factor is most important for surface runoff, since subsurface water is usually connected to the stream by tiles. The water quality of a recipient in addition to diffuse agricultural pollution depends on the existence of agricultural point sources. Evaluation of the possibilities for using the P index concept in Norway includes an assessment of how many indices are needed to represent the differences in conditions of different areas. The development of P indices represents an easy means of identifying and rank the risk of areas within a catchment as to their vulnerability to P loss.
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Roger A. SedjoSammendrag
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Lampros LamprinakisSammendrag
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Anna Martha Elgersma Arnold Arnoldussen Shivcharn S. DhillionSammendrag
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Erlend Ystrøm Haartveit Dag FjeldSammendrag
Efforts to improve efficiencies in the forest industries have mainly focused on problems within the borders of the company. Thus, there is an unexploited potential for increased efficiency through integrating and coordinating activities between companies. This poster presents games that mimic the forest industry and demonstrate to...
Lokkrust er fyrst og fremst ein sjukdom på konglar av gran, men kan også gi unormal vekst av nye skot. Konglane kan vera fulle av lett synlege sporehus og kongleskjella vil sprika. Angrepne toppar bøyer seg over mot den sida av skotet som er smitta. Seinare veks skota oppover og dei vert då nærast S-forma.
Soppen Thysanophora penicillioides fører etter alt å døma til sterkt nålefall på nordmannsedelgran. Denne soppen er også funnen på fleire andre edelgran- og granartar her i landet.
Svært tidlig nitrogengjødsling om våren i høsthvete ga ingen avlingsgevinst i årene 1999 - 2002. I områder med en del regn etter den svært tidlige gjødslinga, ble det avlingstap der all gjødslinga ble gitt tidlig. Delt gjødsling med en liten mengde tidlig og resten av vårgjødslinga til normaltid har i gjennomsnitt gitt det samme resultatet som all gjødsla gitt til normaltid. Den ekstra arbeidsoperasjonen har ikke gitt noen gevinst. En bør fortsatt være forsiktig med svært tidlig gjødsling til høstkorn, da det gir risiko for tap av nitrogen og liten avlingsgevinst.