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I en forsøksserie med kvitkløversorter til beite lagt i forsøksringer over hele landet, ble de nye kvitkløversortene Norstar og Snowy og to nummersorter prøvd ut i blanding med gras. Sortene ble sammenlignet med den danske sorten Milkanova, og med reint gras. De nye sortene var generelt bedre enn Milkanova over hele landet, også på Vestlandet og på flatbygdene. Snowy er mer storvokst og gir bedre avlinger enn Norstar og bør foretrekkes ved gode overvintringsforhold. Norstar har god overvintring og har vist best potensial i områder med innlandsklima. Kløver-grasblandinger ga avlinger som har lå høyt over avling av reint gras. I et tilsvarende forsøk ved Planteforsk Holt, Tromsø, var avlingene av Snowy  høyere enn av Norstar i snitt for 4 engår, mens Milkanova nesten gikk ut. Kløver hadde en positiv effekt på fôrkvalitet, med økt proteininnhold og lavere NDF. Resultatene viser også at kvitkløver har et høyt potensial for nitrogenfiksering med verdier opp mot 9 kg fiksert N per daa og år.


Sortsutvikling innanfor jordbær har vore i gang i Norge sidan 1950-åra, men arbeidet har ikkje vore høgt prioritert heile tida. Arbeidet har vore utført både ved Norges landbrukshøgskule og i Planteforsk, og frå 1995 fekk Planteforsk det formelle ansvaret for denne aktiviteten. Ei rekkje sortar har vore namngjevne dei siste 30 åra, men berre eit fåtal har fått stor verdi. Dei to viktigaste har vore "Jonsok" og "Glima".


Reglar for økologisk landbruksproduksjon set sterke avgrensingar på kva innsatsmiddel som kan brukast i økologisk epledyrking. Ved val av sortar må vi då legge enda større vekt på motstandsevne mot skadegjerarar enn i integrert dyrking. Særleg er det viktig å velge sortar som er sterke mot skurv. Vi tilrår sortane "Aroma" og "Discovery" som hovudsortar for økologisk epledyrking. "Nanna", "Eir", "Idunn" og "Katinka" vert tilrådd som prøvesortar, og framlegg til kombinasjonar med desse som pollensortar til hovudsortane vert skissert.


Summary: In Norway there exist a very limited number of studies on soil variability within soil map units. The main purpose of this study has been to provide information on and describe the variability in soil hydraulic properties and soil water content of a silty clay loam of South-eastern Norway. Measurements of soil hydraulic properties were carried out along a 50 meter transect during summer 2000. The measurements included: 1) laboratory saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kls), measured on 100 cm3 cores, 2) infiltration rate (q(h)), measured with tension infiltrometer at matric potentials h = -15, -6 and -3 cm, and 3) soil surface water content, measured in the top 5 cm of the soil with a TDR probe. Field saturated and near saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kfs and Kf(h)) were estimated from the infiltration rates. Variability in hydraulic conductivity was moderate to high along the transect, with coefficients of variation (CV) ranging from 79 for K(-15) to 224 % for K(-6). The sample distribution was approximately lognormal. Kls varied from 1.0 to 341 cm/h, with an arithmetic mean (AM) of 46 cm/h. Kfs was less than Kls, ranging from 0.27 to 63 cm/h, with AM = 13 cm/h. Spatial correlation of all variables was examined by computing variograms. Kls showed some degree of spatial correlation, with a effective ranges of approximately 7 meters. The nugget variance was rather high compared to the sill, indicating a large random component related to small-scale variability and measurement errors. Field hydraulic conductivity generally showed no clear sign of spatial correlation, except for Kf(-6)6,15, which had a range of 9.6 m. Soil water content was measured at six dates during the growing season. The spatial patterns varied from time to time. Where spatial correlation existed, effective ranges varied from 4.3 to 7.4 meters. As with Kls, the variation appeared to be dominated by a random component. From these results it was concluded that 1) at this scale of investigation, hydraulic conductivity exhibits a large degree of random variation related to soil heterogeneity and sample volume, 2) the most appropriate approach for modelling water flow and solute transport using these data would be to use the probability density function of the attributes, and 3) spatial trends and scale should be considered when planning the experimental design to assure that the sampling scheme encompasses a complete picture of the processes under investigation.


This study focusses on the spider fauna in two organically managed leys in different stages of a crop rotation and in one permanent pasture, all on the Tingvoll Farm in northwestern Norway. Spiders were collected by means of pitfall traps; the sampling period lasted from 28 April to 23 June 2000. Altogether 2415 specimens, representing 48 species, were found. A DCA-analysis shows differences in the spider populations found in the leys compared with the pasture, but less difference between the young and older ley. However, the number of species and the dominance pattern of the spider populations differ between the young and older ley. A total of 16 species were found in the young ley, 26 species in the older ley and 34 species in the pasture. Bathyphantes gracilis, Erigone atra, Oedothorax fuscus and Savignia frontata were the most abundant species in the leys, with Pardosa amentata and Silometopus elegans the most abundant in the pasture. Collinsia inerrans was represented by 83 specimens in the leys. This species is previously recorded only twice in Norway, and has been placed on the national Red List proposal.


Any evident grain deviation will reduce strength and increase warp in sawn timber. To describe the magnitude and variance of grain angle in Norway spruce, specimens from 1046 Norwegian sawlogs and 380 logs from Sweden and Finland were examined. For individual specimens, grain angle outside the innermost zone closest to the pith might be expressed by a simple linear function of radial distance from the pith. The intercept and inclination of this function are close to bivariate normally distributed with mean values (SD) of 2.7 deg. (1.9) and -0.039 deg/mm(0.037), respectively. Inclination is less negative for wider annual rings (r = 0.3), and intercept and inclination are negatively correlated (r = -0.4). The constant rate of change indicates inherited property rather than influence of any dynamic, external stimulus. No predictor for grain angle pattern was found. The linear model leads to simplifications both when observing the grain angle in the forestry, and in calculations of strength properties and distortion in the timber industry.