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In the period 1993-1996 an experimental field with application of the pesticides bentazone, MCPA and dichlorprop was carried out at Mørdre in Akershus. Samples of surface and drainage water were continuous collected from the field, which were 6 ha. The field was a part of a larger area grown with small grain. Surface water samples were collected from four small plots with different soil management. Columns from three different soil types were installed in the field, to study the movement of the pesticides in the upper soil layer. Bentazone was the most frequently found pesticide and with the highest concentrations in the surface runoff. MCPA was detected at the lowest frequency and with the lowest concentration. From the periods with water flow measurements, the pesticide runoff was less than 1 % of the amount added. The concentrations in the surface water were less than 1/10000 of the L(E)C50 - value for the most sensitive water organisms used in toxicological tests. Bentazone was found in all samples of drainage water in 1995 and 1996. In drainage water the concentrations of all pesticides were less than 1/1000 of the L(E)C50 - value for the most sensitive water organism. In the column experiment, there were no indications of accumulation of pesticides in the upper soil layer and the recovery was up to 4 % of added amount one year after the last spraying.


Artikkelen beskriver arter, utbredelse, utseende, biologi, vertplanter, skadeomfang, bekjempelse for forskjellige minerfluer som går på korn og gras. Artikkelen er en revidert utgave av Småskrift 9/89.


Mjøldogg i julestjerne har vore problematisk i USA sidan slutten på 1990-talet, og sjukdommen er no på frammarsj i Europa. Angrep er siste sesong registrert både i Sverige, England og Tyskland. Dersom sjukdommen skulle få innpass her i landet er rask identifikasjon viktig for å utrydde smitten?????


Information on the mobility of pesticides in soil-water systems is essential for assessing the environmental impact for receiving waters such as surface runoff and transport to rivers and lakes or infiltration to ground water supplies. The present work demonstrates that the herbicide Bentazon, being a weak acid, was water soluble and mobile in soil-organic material systems. The sorption was relatively high at low pH and decreased for pH higher than 4. The sorption was influenced by the addition of organic material, especially composts having high TOC (compost from domestic animal). Low Kd/TOC and low Kd/CEC ratios for soil-compost mixtures indicated that TOC and the cation exchange capacities of the organic material were important for retention of Bentazon in organic soils. Sequential extractions demonstrated also that all Bentazon could be reversibly extracted with electrolytes having sufficient ionic strength. Thus, the mobile fraction of Bentazon depends on the ionic strength in the soil solution, reflecting that ion exchange mechanisms are of major importance. The sorption of the non-polar insecticide Alpha-cypermethrin was high to all soil-compost systems investigated. The distribution coefficient Kd and the low Kd/TOC and Kd/CEC ratios demonstrated that organic material being rich in TOC and to a certain extent in CEC played an important role for sorption of Alpha-cypermethrin. Thus, the retention of "-Cypermethrin in soils could be attributed to association to TOC in soils, depending on the nature and concentration of the organic material. As the fraction of Alpha-cypermethrin extracted by rainwater was surprisingly high (40-60 %), the mobility was attributed to the association of low molecular mass organic material or organic colloids from the composts present in the soil solutions. The present work demonstrates that Bentazon should be mobile, while Alpha-cypermethrin should be retained in soil-organic material systems under soil solution pH conditions. Following heavy rain, Bentazon should follow the water transport, as runoff or ground infiltration and the mobile fraction should increase with increasing ionic strength of the soil solutions. The mobility of Alpha-cypermethrin should be low, but could increase significantly if associated to mobile low molecular mass organic compounds present in soil solutions.


Compost mixed into soil affects strongly the mobility of atrazine. The main peak of atrazine in the leachate from soil columns with compost was retarded more than 20 days compared with untreated soil. Addition of DOM-solution generated from the compost increased to some extent the mobility of atrazine. However, the DOM-solution destroyed the structure of the soil, and the soil columns were clogging after 23 days. Soil microorganisms seemed to be able to degrade part of the atrazine and organic matter in the soil columns. The effect of the organic matter on sorption and thereby reducing the mobility of atrazine was confirmed by batch experiments. De-ethyl atrazine was the most mobile degradation product and the amount of hydroxy-atrazine increased during the experiment. Addition of compost to the soil may be a method to reduce leaching to groundwater, but as addition of organic matter reduce the degradation rate, it is not evident what the total effect on risk reduction for leaching in the long term will be.