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The fungus Microdochium nivale (Fr.) Samuels & Hallet is the most widespread snow mold fungus. It is distributed over a wide range of temperatures, but is a serious pathogen mainly in cold to temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. Microdochium nivale causes pink snow mold on turf and forage grasses, and winter cereals and, at warmer temperatures, stem rot, leaf blotch and fusarium ear blight. It is an opportunistic species able to attack plants over a wide range of environmental conditions


Magnesiummangel gir store skadar på ulike bartre-artar brukt til klyppegrønt og juletre. I nokre felt med lawsonsypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana) har skadane vore så omfattande at baret ikkje er salsvare. Også i nordmannsedelgran (Abies nordmanniana) er det meldt om skadar. Artikkelen omtalar symptom, skadar, opptak av magnesium i plantene og tiltak for å hindra skadane


Previous research has documented that nitrogen fertilization can lead to a significant tree growth increase in large parts of Scandinavia. Nutrient management of Nordic forests is currently under debate, mainly because environmental values are believed to be unnecessarily endangered by these actions. Nutrient management including fertilization, liming, recycling of wood ash or application of alternative nutrient sources can counteract nutrient deficiencies and imbalances, and be used for compensating the nutrients removed through harvesting. For successful implementation of nutritional management measures, several questions should still be studied. These questions mainly concern diagnosis of the need for applications, nutritional sustainability and treatment effects on the forest ecosystem and the surrounding environment.


Due to the climate the yields of roughage in Northern Norway are considerably lower and more variable than in other parts of the country. The problems relate to severe winter damage on meadows caused by snow, ice carpet and low temperatures. A linear programming model representing an average milk farm of the province has been worked out to study the farm economy of different short-term measures. The model is based on farm accounts in the area and calculates the farm profit in the price level and support regime of the year 2000. The model crop yields are based on field research trials in area. The study shows that the production problems can be overcome by increasing the purchase of feed and by adding extra labour and costs to repair the meadow.