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I 2002 tok DN initiativ til et prosjekt vedrørende utvikling og operasjonalisering av nøkkeltallet 1RM3. Hensikten var å identifisere nøkkeltall som kan gi et bilde av utviklingen i områdene som ble definert som særlig verdifulle i nasjonal registrering av verdifulle kulturlandskap 1991-1994. I denne rapporten utredes det hvordan nøkkeltallet 1RM3 kan utvikles og operasjonaliseres gjennom identifisering av parametre, utvikling av metoder for datafangst og kvalitetssikring. Det diskuteres hvilke parametre som det er ønskelig å måle og registrere, og gjøres en vurdering og sammenligning av ulike måter å innhente aktuelle data på. 3Q-programmet er konsentrert til dagens aktive jordbrukslandskap og behovet for å supplere det understrekes. Dette gjøres sannsynligvis mest kostnadseffektivt ved et spesialtilpasset tillegg til 3Q-programmet. Ved overvåkning av de registrerte spesielt verdifulle kulturlandskapene (totalt 300) vil en fange opp områder som har blitt spesielt fokusert i skjøtselssammenheng og der en derfor kan forvente en positiv utvikling. Etter en sammenligning av bruk av ulike flybilder og satelittbilder ved overvåkning av slike områder konkluderes det med at IR-flybilder og feltkontroll er den mest kostnadseffektive metodikken. En slik ekstensiv overvåking bør suppleres med en intensiv overvåking av utvalgte plantearters populasjoner for å dokumentere om særlig verdifulle vegetasjonstyper / habitater opprettholdes ved de forvaltningstiltak som gjennomføres i de særlig verdifulle kulturlandskapene.


Tre er utgangspunkt for allsidig arbeid, livsutfoldelse og velvære i vår del av verden. Et av de viktigste feltene for bransjens FoU for tiden er knyttet til tretørking. Den norske interessen henger nøye sammen med en internasjonal trend som drives av et ønske om å befeste og utvikle trelast som et konkurransedyktig materiale med forutsigbare egenskaper og konkurransedyktig pris. Dette kan bare oppnås gjennom grunnleggende teknologisk kompetanse og kunnskap om bruksområder og marked. Utviklingen går i retning av å ferdigtørke i én omgang, dvs. på sagbruket, og lasten må behandles slik at riktig tørkekvalitet bibeholdes helt frem til kunde og bruker.


Det er ikke registrert sammendrag


We studied four south-facing and three north-facing boreal spruce forest stands (ca. 0.1ha each) in SE Norway with the aim of testing the hypothesis that former logging has long-term effects on boreal forest-floor vegetation. The stand series comprised unlogged natural forests and forests that were selectively or clear cut 6070 years prior to our study. Each stand was described with respect to history of forestry impact and tree-stand structure.Environmental, species number, species abundance and species composition (vegetation gradients obtained as ordination axes) variables obtained for 25 m1m plots in each stand were tested for among-stand differences. Significant among-stand differences were found, partly related to former forest management and partly due to among-stand differences in topography.Differences among stands related to management were found for tree stand density, highest in managed stands, and for Dryopteris expansa agg. and Luzula pilosa abundances, peaking in formerly clear-cut stands. Species number (at plot or stand scales) was weakly related to former management.On southerly as well as northerly aspects, gradients in species composition were found that separated plots according to former management. Differences among stand conditioned on topography resulted in opposite patterns in the two series of stands because among southerly stands the clear cut was the least while among northerly the clear cut was the most strongly sloping. Low-inclination sites tended more strongly to be paludified and to have high Sphagnum cover, and to have low abundance of specific microsites with small mosses and hepatics. Vegetation gradients related to soil moisture and microtopography were found for both aspects.A strong gradient in species composition related to tree influence at within-stand scales was found, with variation in species number. Existence of such a gradient should provide for significant biotic effects (of short or long duration) of the environmental changes that take place during forest re-growth: (1) the immediate creation of small or large tree-layer gaps by tree felling; and (2) the closing of the tree layer during the regeneration phase.Most notably, the phases at which the tree layer reaches minimum and maximum cover, respectively, may act as `bottlenecks\" for survival of forest-floor species. We conclude that forestry impacts understorey vegetation by way of changes in tree-layer structure and, to a lesser extent, substrate availability and the local environment, during forest regrowth. The extent and duration of this impact will depend on a complex set of factors.Our results are consistent with the view that if maintenance of species diversity is aimed at, environmental considerations should be built into forest management practices, preferably by mimicking the natural structural dynamics of the tree layer.


Wintering ability in the field and resistance to different winter-stress factors under controlled environmental conditions were studied in a full-sib family of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Significant variation in tolerance to freezing and ice encasement, resistance to pink snow mould (Microdochium nivale) and also in winter survival and spring growth were found between the different genotypes. No strong correlations were found between the resistances to the different stress factors. These results indicate that resistance to different winter-stress factors is controlled by separate genes in perennial ryegrass. A low but significant positive correlation was found between spring growth of plants in the field after the first winter and both freezing tolerance and M. nivale resistance measured in controlled environments. Cold hardening seemed to influence freezing tolerance and M. nivale resistance differently in the different genotypes, since no distinct correlation in tolerance to freezing or resistance to M. nivale was found between unhardened and hardened plants. Tolerance or resistance to most of the winter stress factors measured was positively correlated with plant size.