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Nina Elisabeth Nagy Carl Gunnar Fossdal Paal Krokene Trygve Krekling Anders Lönneberg Anders Lønneborg Halvor SolheimSammendrag
Polyphenolic parenchyma cells (PP cells) in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stem phloem play important roles in constitutive and inducible defenses. To determine whether anatomical and molecular changes in PP cells are correlated with tree resistance, we infected two Norway spruce clones with the pathogenic fungus Ceratocystis polonica (Siem.) C. Moreau. The fungus induced significantly different lesion lengths in the two clones, indicating that one clone was more resistant to the fungus (short lesions) than the other (long lesions). After infection, the cross-sectional area of PP cells and their vacuolar polyphenol bodies increased in the three most recent annual rings of PP cells in both clones. The more resistant clone had larger PP cells with denser polyphenol bodies than the less resistant clone, whereas the less resistant clone accumulated relatively more polyphenols after infection. Compared with the less resistant clone, the more resistant clone contained higher starch concentrations before infection that were reduced more quickly after infection before returning to original values. Low transcript levels of chalcone synthase were detected in uninfected tissues of both clones, but the levels increased dramatically after infection. Transcript levels were higher and peaked 6 days earlier in the more resistant clone than in the less resistant clone. The activity of at least one highly basic peroxidase isoform was greatly enhanced after infection, and this increase occurred earlier in the more resistant clone.
J.W. Hudgins Erik Christiansen Vincent R. FranceschiSammendrag
Conifers have evolved constitutive and inducible defense mechanisms to help in both wound healing and defense against attack by bark beetles and other organisms. These defenses include oleoresin, phenolics, and static structures in secondary phloem, such as lignified cells and calcium oxalate crystals, that create physical barriers. We used a phylogenetic approach to investigate the defense anatomy of conifer stems of 13 species from five families following treatment with methyl jasmonate (MJ), a compound that induces defense responses in stems of several Pinaceae species.Methyl jasmonate induced a response similar to wounding except that the response was not accompanied by lesion formation, necrosis or a hypersensitive response. In the Pinaceae species studied, MJ induced polyphenolic parenchyma (PP) cell activation and xylem traumatic resin duct (TD) formation. Members of the Taxodiaceae, which are not known to produce large quantities of resin, showed massive xylem TD formation and surface resinosis following MJ treatment.Treatment with MJ caused members of the Araucariaceae and Cupressaceae to form axial phloem resin ducts but not xylem ducts, whereas Podocarpaceae species showed no induction of resin-producing structures. All species treated with MJ showed phenolic deposition in PP cells, and early lignification of phloem fibers was observed in most of the non-Pinaceae species.We conclude that, although evolution of resin-producing structures occurred independently in conifer lineages, MJ seems to induce resin production regardless of tissue location, as well as inducing deposition of phenolic compounds. Co-evolution of conifer defensive strategies and bark beetle pests is discussed.
Gro Skøien Johannessen Randi Berland Frøseth Liv Solemdal Jorunn Jarp Yngvild Wasteson Liv Marit RørvikSammendrag
Aim: To investigate the bacteriological quality, and the occurrence of selected pathogenic bacteria from organically grown Iceberg lettuce fertilized with bovine manure in the form of compost, firm manure and slurry in a 2-year field trial. Methods and Results: Samples of soil, fertilizer, fertilized soil, seedlings and lettuce were analysed for aerobic plate counts (APC), thermotolerant coliform bacteria (TCB), Escherichia coli, E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes. No difference in bacteriological quality could be shown in lettuce at harvest, however, APC varied significantly from year to year in the study. The various treatments gave significantly different APC and numbers of TCB isolated from fertilized soil. Escherichia coli O157:H7 was isolated from firm manure and slurry, and soils fertilized with the respective fertilizers the second year, but were not recovered from the lettuce. Conclusions: No difference in bacteriological quality could be detected in lettuce at harvest after application of various types of manure-based fertilizers grown under Norwegian conditions. Significance and Impact of the Study: The results may indicate that the use of manure does not have considerable influence on the bacteriological quality of organic lettuce. However, others have suggested that there is a risk by using manure. There is a need for more research in the field.
The searching efficiency of Encarsia formosa Gahan (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and the control efficiency of E. formosa and Macrolophus caliginosus Wagner (Hemiptera: Miridae) were studied on the hairy poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd.ex Koltz.) cultivar `Lilo" (2030 hairs/cm2, hair length 18.0 mm) and the less hairy cultivar `Sonora" (449 hairs/cm2, hair length 11.8 mm) at 18 - 21oC, in order to evaluate their potential as biological control agents in greenhouse poinsettia production. Inexperienced (less than 24 hours old) E. formosa (EN-STRIP, Koppert B.V.) were observed individually for 7 minutes on poinsettia leaves without whiteflies, using the automatic video tracking system for behavioural studies, EthoVision Color Pro. Their walking speed, walking activity and walking pattern were not influenced by the leaf hairiness. When the temperature was lowered from 20 to 18oC, the mean walking speed decreased by 15%, from 0.52 to 0.44 mm/sec on `Lilo" and from 0.51 to 0.43 mm/sec on `Sonora". The mean walking activity was 89% on `Lilo" and 88% on `Sonora" at 20oC, and was decreased by 6 and 13%, respectively, at 18oC. Temperature did not influence the straightness of the walking path. The control efficiency of E. formosa and M. caliginosus (MIRICAL, Koppert B.V.) was studied on `Lilo" and `Sonora" infested with Bemisia tabaci Gennadius (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) B biotype in 2 cage experiments at 21oC, and is currently being studied at lower temperatures. E. formosa was introduced when the first whitefly nymphs had reached the 3rd instar, and was released weekly 3 times at a total rate of 4.2 parasitoids/adult whitefly. M. caliginosus was introduced when the first whitefly nymphs had reached the 1st instar, and was released every 2 weeks 3 times at a total rate of 1.5 predatory bugs/adult whitefly. One tobacco plant (Nicotiana tabacum `Xanthi") was placed in each of the cages where M. caliginosus was released. The control efficiency (measured as % reduction of number of immature whiteflies compared to the control when the plants were ready for sale) ranged from 63 to 93% for E. formosa and from 64 to 82% for M. caliginosus. E. formosa gave slightly better control than M. caliginosus on `Sonora", and in one of the experiments with `Lilo". The parasitoids were more efficient, and the parasitism was higher, on `Sonora" than on `Lilo". No damage to green leaves or bracts has been observed on the plants where M. caliginosus was released.
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Inger Sundheim Fløistad Ketil KohmannSammendrag
When spring frost occur on recently planted forest sites, severe damage may occur to the seedlings. The aim of the present study was to test how different levels of nutrient concentrations in the seedlings affected spring frost hardiness and time of bud break.Seedlings were grown in a greenhouse for one season and supplied with fertiliser containing 22, 43 and 72 mg N per litre respectively. The treatments resulted in needle nitrogen concentrations ranging from 0,9 to 1,8 % in the autumn.After winter storage at 0C, bud break was recorded on seedlings growing in greenhouse, outdoors and in growth chambers at 12C and at 17C. Freezing tests were performed on seedlings directly removed from winter storage and following one week growth in the greenhouse. Seedlings receiving fertiliser with 43 mg per litre had less freezing injury than the two other fertilisation treatments. The ealiest bud break occurred in seedlings receiving 72 mg per litre.
Ingvald RøsbergSammendrag
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Hovedvassdragene i Ullensaker kommune har til dels dårlig vannkvalitet. På bakgrunn av dette, har kommunen tatt initiativ til å lage en tiltaksanalyse for vassdragene. Jordforsk har fått i oppdrag å gi innspill til denne tiltaksanalysen. Denne rapporten omfatter innspillene til tiltaksanalysen for landbruk. Programmet GIS avrenning er brukt for å beregne erosjonsrisiko ved ulike driftsformer for å kunne planlegge tiltak i hovedvassdragene i kommunen. Dette er på bakgrunn av at erosjon anses som en betydelig kilde for fosfortap fra landbruket. Metodikken er basert på erosjonsrisikoklassifisering og opplysninger om driftsformer ved bruk av offentlige stønadsordninger og registre. Flateerosjon ved dagens drift ble beregnet til ca 48 % av verdiene dersom alt arealet var høstpløyd (maksimal erosjon). I forhold til dagens flateerosjon, vil effekt av tiltak om alt areal i erosjonsrisikoklasse 2, 3 og 4 legges i stubb være ca. 61 %. Tilsvarende tall om klasse 3 og 4 legges i stubb er 51 %. Fosfortilførselen fra landbruksområdene i kommunen er estimert til ca. 11-23 tonn pr. år (forutsettes at forholdet fosfor/partikler er 1-2 ). Det er grunn til å anta at estimatet ligger i nedre del av intervallet. Det anbefales å starte med tiltak i nedbørfeltet til Rømua hvor det bør lages en tiltaksplan som inneholder en kartlegging av aktuell drift i området og lokalisering av aktuelle tiltak som vegetasjonssoner/grasdekte vannveger, fangdammer og hydrotekniske tiltak. Det bør vurderes om tiltak i selve bekkeleiet bør utredes. Totalt for kommunen er det estimert en reduksjon på ca. 40-50 % for fosfor ved å etablere tiltak som blant annet vegetasjonssoner og fangdammer. Ved gjennomføring av både redusert jordarbeiding og vegetasjonssoner/fangdammer, er det estimert en reduksjon på ca. 70 %. Etter gjennomføring av nevnte tiltak blir fosfortilførselen ca. 3-7 tonn pr år fra landbruksområdene. Evt. tiltak i bekkeleiet kommer i tillegg.
Lars Tørres HavstadSammendrag
I dagene 20.-22. juni 2004 arrangerte Norsk frøavlerlag fagtur til Sverige og Danmark. Til sammen var det 44 deltagere med på turen. Deltagerne var hovedsakelig frøavlere fra alle landets sju frøavlerlag, men også frøfirmaene og konsulenttjenesten var godt representert. I artikkelen forteller noen av turdeltakerne om sine inntrykk fra turen.