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Lys ringråte er en farlig bakteriesjukdom på potet. Den er forårsaket av karanteneskadegjøreren Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus. Kraftige angrep kan gi betydelig avlingsreduksjon.


In organic farming the nitrogen supply often is the most limiting factor for plant growth. Use of leguminous plants therefore is an important source for extra N and to increase the protein content in the yield. In Norway the most common species for N supply in grassland is red clover. Unfortunately, its persistence is lower than for the sown grasses. Sowing clover into the established grass stand would therefore be of great interest. Different equipment for wet sowing of seeds mixed with farmyard manure to grassland were tried in field experiments and practical meadow management in the years 2002 - 2004.


A survey of cereals, carried out in 1995-2005 in Norway, revealed that Heterodera spp. are common throughout the country. Nematodes belonging to the H. avenae complex were recorded from the county of Agder in southern Norway (58.08o N) to the county of Nordland in the north (65.5o N), and this so far is the most northern location reported for Heterodera in cereals. Studies in Norway have recently recorded H. filipjevi and also additional and possibly new species. H. filipjevi is of economic importance in Scandinavia. It was first recorded in the beginning of the 1970s and then referred to as the "Gotland strain of H. avenae". Biotests carried out in Sweden demonstrated the occurrence of two pathotypes, "East" and "West", named according to their geographical distribution. In Norway H. filipjevi, was first recorded causing damage to winter rye, Compared to H. avenae, H. filipjevi has the ability of hatching easily and at low temperatures, this ability of rapid hatch suggests that field population densities could easily be underestimated if based on cyst extractions only. Hence, accurate assessments of pre-plant densities of H. filipjevi require quantification of infective juveniles in soil. Nematode management practices must be based on the knowledge of the population dynamics and the threshold levels needed to cause economic damage. Tests of 63 cereal cultivars on the Norwegian market revealed 13 oat and six barley cultivars to be resistant to H. filipjevi "West" It is important that resistant cultivars of barley are recommended when nematode populations are high, as resistant barley is more tolerant than resistant oats. However even in rotations with resistant barley the farmer should be prepared to accept some yield losses in the first year of management. One important challenge in the management of H. filipjevi is the common occurrence of mixed populations. H. avenae "sensu stricto" and/or its slightly diverging form "Våxtorp" is often found together with H. filipjevi. From our experience the dynamics of mixed populations needs a stronger emphasis in management systems for cereal cyst nematodes. Our knowledge of the occurrence and distribution of cereal cyst nematode species and pathotypes in Norway has increased, and the screening of cultivars for resistance against various populations particularly H. filipjevi, H. avenae "sensu stricto" and the "Våxtorp"-type has been intensified. Hence, today farmers can be provided with control strategies which are easily implemented. With this management system, farmers in the county of Vestfold have increased cereal yields. After 3-4 years of implementation farmers have reported yield increases averaging 1000 kg ha. Compared to the earlier situation (when control was not practiced), a full implementation of the current management program in the county of Vestfold has been estimated to give an annual economic gain in the order of "800 000.


In Norway and Finland, strawberry cultivation in greenhouses still is limited. However, interest in strawberry cultivation in greenhouses or under high tunnels is increasing rapidly. Controlled environments offer growers an opportunity to produce strawberries year-round, and specifically, during the off-season (September to June) when Norwegian and Finnish strawberries are not readily available and carry a high price. Work on manipulation of flower induction through temperature and photoperiod fluctuations in Norway and Finland in order to develop out-of-season strawberry production are presented and discussed.


With the overall aim to analyse and understand spatial dynamics in grass-white clover pastures we have developed a method for mapping plant and soil coverage at exact positions at sequential occasions. The method involves obtaining and processing information from digital colour photographs, and software ("Trifolium.exe") is specially designed for the purpose. The positioning system in two experimental fields, image aquisition, software and initial data processing are presented and evaluated.

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Denne rapporten er utarbeidet for å belyse utviklingen i bruttomarginer i kjøttsektoren. Utgangspunktet for undersøkelsen er en rapport fra 2001 som viste at fra vinteren 1998/1999 til vinteren 2000/2001 ble prisen til bonde redusert med 2,01 kroner per kg ferdigvare. Bruttomarginene i kjøttindustrien økte i denne perioden, mest tydelig i foredlingsindustrien hvor marginen økte med 1,83 kroner per kg ferdigvare (tilsvarer ca. 11 prosent økning), men økningen i slaktemargin var også betydelig og utgjorde den relativt største økningen (37 prosent). Bruttomarginen i handelen ble redusert med 0,31 kroner per kg, og forbrukerprisen gikk opp med 0,52 kroner per kg. Ambisjonene for undersøkelsen har vært å kartlegge utviklingen i bruttomarginene på de forskjellige ledd i verdikjeden, ikke å forklare hvorfor marginene har utviklet seg slik de har. Som bakgrunn er det tatt med et kapittel om utviklingstrekk i kjøttbransjen og dagligvarehandelen, om kostnadsstruktur, økonomisk resultat og utvikling i viktige kostnadskomponenter. […]