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The storm Gudrun hit southern Sweden in January 2005 and approximately 70 million cubic meters of forest was wind felled. The existing logistic planning at forest companies in the damaged area had to be changed over night. There was a direct shortage of both harvest and transportation capacities. Key questions that arised were which terminals to use, where to harvest, where to store, which transportation modes (truck, train, ship) to use. In this paper we describe how the forest company Sveaskog made use of Operations Research (OR) as an important decision support in their supply chain planning in the aftermath of the storm.


The storm Gudrun hit southern Sweden in January 2005 and approximately 70 million cubic meters of forest was wind felled. The existing logistic planning at forest companies in the damaged area had to be changed over night. There was a direct shortage of both harvest and transportation capacities. Key questions that arised were which terminals to use, where to harvest, where to store, which transportation modes (truck, train, ship) to use. In this paper we describe how the forest company Sveaskog made use of Operations Research (OR) as an important decision support in their supply chain planning in the aftermath of the storm.


In Scandinavia studies on entomopathogenic nematodes (epn) began in Denmark more than 70 years ago and two new species in the genus Steinernema were described (Bovien 1937). In Sweden, a few decades later, Pye and Burman (1978) studied the use of Steinernema spp. against the large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis) in forestry for the first time. Today the use of epn in Scandinavia is, like most countries, most successful and most commonly employed in protected environments such as glasshouses. Use outdoors is mostly in strawberries or in nurseries against root weevils (Otiorhynchus spp.) but in general the use outdoors is still rather limited. The potential for using epn in forestry against the large pine weevil (H. abietis) has not yet been realized. For Sweden with its large forested areas it may be difficult to use epn due to immigration of the pest from surrounding forests. The use of epn in smaller Norwegian forests may be more feasible where immigration of the pest may be less of a problem. The use of epn in a slow release system (`Nemabag") against pests, such as the pollen beetle and flea beetle (Meligethes aeneus and Phyllotreta spp.) in arable crops, has been studied in Finland. Use of epn in private gardens has not been monitored, but there appears to be great interest in using epn to control grubs such as the garden chafer (Phyllopertha horticola), which is an increasing problem in many countries. In Denmark Heterorhabditis bacteriophora has been tested, not always successfully, against P. horticola on golf courses. Another beneficial nematode, pathogenic to slugs, Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita is also on the market in some of the countries for use against the important slug pests Deroceras reticulatum and Arion lusitanicus. The latter species is becoming increasingly important as a pest not only in private gardens but also in cultivated crops such as strawberries.


Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) are used for biological control of the soil dwelling stages of the vine weevil, Otiorhynchus sulcatus, a serious pest of ornamentals and field grown strawberries. Several nematode species such as Heterorhabditis megidis, H. bacteriophora and Steinernema kraussei are commercially available in Europe for control of the vine weevil. S. kraussei is sold as a cold active strain for use outdoors at low temperatures. In southern Norway, several field trials have been conducted to examine the effect of S. kraussei on vine weevil larvae at low temperatures. The trials were assessed one month after nematode treatments and showed rather poor effect at soil temperatures below 12oC. Further work is necessary to investigate the long-term effect of the applied nematodes as well as biotic and abiotic factors that may affect nematode efficacy.


Usikkerhet er nesten uunngåelig i KU-prediksjoner, av mange og komplekse grunner. I denne artikkelen viser vi at beslutningstakere og andre interessenter ofte ikke blir gjort oppmerksomme på denne usikkerheten. De får også kun begrenset tilgang til informasjon om inputdata og forutsetninger som ligger til grunn for prediksjonene. Vi argumenterer for at det bør legges mer vekt på å forbedre kommunikasjon om usikkerhet i KU-prediksjoner og å gjøre prediksjonsprosessene mer gjennomsiktig. Dette kan bidra til å forbedre KU som beslutningsverktøy. Diskusjonen er basert på studier av 22 saker.