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Various needle discolorations, often due to lack of uptake of certain nutrients are frequently observed in nordmann fir (Abies nordmanniana) in Norwegian Christmas tree plantations. Most common are the yellow to necrotic needle tips on older needles caused by magnesium (Mg) deficiency (confirmed by chemical analysis of foliage). Even though chemical analysis of soil samples show that Mg is present in sufficient amount, various soil factors may cause Mg-deficiency; too high or too low pH, excess potassium (K) or too wet or too dry conditions. Antagonism, causing imbalance in nutrient uptake, can lead to negative effects. High pH may give Ca2+/Mg2+ antagonism, too low pH NH4+/Mg2+ antagonism, and abundant K K+/Mg2+ antagonism. During wet conditions K+ and other monovalent cations may leave the colloids to regain equilibrium between liquid and solid material. Then Mg2+ may easily bind to the free spaces on the colloids, and thereby becomes unavailable for the plants. If the soil is very dry there may not be enough liquid for the nutrients to be dissolved, and thus uptake inhibited. Nordmann fir is mainly grown in the southwestern coastal region of Norway since the climate there is fairly mild and suitable for this plant species. The yearly rainfall is high in that region, so a main cause for Mg deficiency on nordmann fir is probably related to wet soil conditions. Uptake of Mg after foliage application has proved to be ineffective due to the wax layer on the fir needles. However application on young needles and shoots has been reported by the Norwegian extension service to be successful. K deficiency also results in discoloration of older needles, but symptoms can easily be distinguished from Mg deficiency. Both deficiencies results in yellowing of the needles, but different from K deficiency, the base remains green on needles suffering from Mg deficiency. Both Mg and K are very mobile nutrients in plants, and they are therefore easily translocated from older to younger needles. Samples with yellow discoloration of the youngest needles have been observed to be low in iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn), especially when the trees have grown in soil with high pH. Both nutrients are nearly immobile in plants after they have been transported to the cells, and they are therefore not available for the young shoots. Nitrogen (N) deficiency is seen as a uniform, pale green discolouration of both young and old needles.


Fri forgreining i julestjerne forårsakes av et fytoplasma, en bakterielignende organisme beskrevet som "Poinsettia branch inducing phytoplasma". I forskningsprogrammet: "Fundamental studies on postharvest physiology end plant health" har vi studert den relative mengden av slikt fytoplasma på ulike punkter inne i julestjerneplanter. Så langt kan vi  måle variasjoner i fytoplasmamengde innen den enkelte plante, og mellom sortene "Lilo" og "Millenium", samt mellom ulike temperaturer og lysnivåer.


Det er kjent frå fleire stader i verda at soppen Volutella buxi kan føra til misfarga blad og daude skot på buksbom (Buxus spp.). Angrepne blad vert gule til bronsefarga og skota kan dauda. Her i landet er det funne til dels omfattande skade på buksbom både i ein planteskule og i klyppegrøntfelt. Før den nye veksten kjem i gang om våren, vil blad i toppen av greiner verta gule til bronsefarga og infiserte greiner vil som regel visna litt frå tuppen og innover. Når ein kuttar i barken vil ein finna brun til svart misfarge. Ofte ser ein Volutella-infeksjon i samband med frostskade. Dersom det berre er ein lett frostskade, vil nye, friske blad etter kvart dekka over dei bronsefarga blada. .