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Målet med sortsprøvingane er å skaffa dyrkarane stabilt plantemateriale for produksjon av te, krydder og aromatiske planter under norske klimatilhøve. Sidan 1998 har ein prøvd ut 23 artar ved Bioforsk Kise. Fleire av desse er også prøvde ut i spreidde forsøksfelt hjå forsøksringar og dyrkarar. Frå 2003 har ein også arbeidd med å få fram økologisk frø til urteproduksjon, dette som in del av Vestfold Bondelag sitt prosjekt ”Nasjonalt pilotprosjekt-økologisk formeringsmateriale”.


A survey was conducted in Morogoro, Mbeya and Coast regions, using a structured questionnaire and field visits, to evaluate the diversity of banana grown, distribution systems of banana planting materials, agronomic and pest management practices and gender characteristics of banana production. A total of 108 households were interviewed in 11 villages. The interviewees consisted of 78.7% males and 21.3% females. Banana cultivars grown were diverse and use being different and more or less location specific. 24.3% of respondents grow cultivar Mtwike and 18.7% grow cultivars Mzuzu as their most important varieties, 16.7%, 9.8%, and 14.7% grow Mzuzu, Mtwike and Uganda, respectively, as their second most important varieties. In respect to variety characteristics, 22.9% preferred varieties with big bunches, 19% early maturing, 14.3% marketable, 10.5% long fingers and 9.5% with high resistance to pests. The main sources of banana planting materials for farmers are neighbours (60%) and Sokoine University of Agriculture (22.4%). About 17.3% obtain planting materials from their own fields, 19.6% use in-vitro materials and 80.4% use conventional materials. Few farmers (37.2%) received training on banana production with 22.7% trained at SUA. Farmers were not able to name pests attacking the crop. However, cultivars Mtwike, Kambani, Uganda and Matoke are considered to be more prone to pests. About 54.5% of the farmers use uprooting as a major pests control measure while 27.3% and 9.1% use chemicals and field sanitation measures, respectively. 51.1% apply organic fertilizers, 56.2% use bamboo as propping material. Gender role is very much pronounced in decision-making. For most activities, men featured as the decision makers. Land preparation is men"s activity (69.3%). Introduction of new cultivars that will be resistant to pests, training in cultural practices and establishment of centres for distribution of appropriate planting materials were considered to be important interventions required by farmers.


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