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Road blocking due to thawing or heavy rains annually contributes to a considerable loss of profit in Swedish forestry. Companies have to build large stocks of sawlogs and pulplogs to secure a continuous supply during periods where the accessibility of the road network is uncertain. This storage leads to quality deterioration, which means loss in profit. One approach to reduce the losses due to blocked roads is to upgrade the road network to a standard that guarantees accessibility throughout the year. This article describes a decision support system called RoadOpt for the planning of forest road upgrading. The planning horizon is about one decade. The system uses a Geographical Information System (GIS)-based map user interface to present and analyse data and results. Two important modules are the Swedish road database, which provides detailed information about the road network, and an optimization module consisting of a mixed integer linear programming model. A case study from a major Swedish company is presented.


I juni 2005 vart det funne rustsopp på rododendron i Hardanger. Soppen fører til skjemmande, brunraude flekkar på oversida av blada, og på undersida er flekkane fulle av guloransje sporar.


Conidia germination of the root pathogen fungi Fusarium sp. and Cylindrocarpon sp. were followed for up to 96 hours in the presence of border cells from newly germinated Norway spruce. The border cells stimulated the conidium germination of both fungi. We postulate that this may be a part of the defence mechanism of Norway spruce against pathogens. The stimulating agent is unknown The stimulating effect was not seen when border cells originated from plants grown in the presence of aluminium


To sortar av timotei og fleirårig raigras med ulik veksttid fram til herding, vart undersøkt m.o.t. evne til rotvekst gjennom vinter (3 uttak) og vår (1 uttak). Planter vart utsette for moderat froststress ved kvart forsøksuttak. Resultata viste at for timoteisortane hadde den nordlege sorten Engmo større rotvekst om våren enn den meir sørlege sorten Grindstad. Forsøket viste at timotei og raigras hadde ulik rotregenereringsevne i same forsøksperiode.  Om våren viste alle sortane større rotvekst etter sein såing året før.

Til dokument


Fungi of roots of declining pine and spruce seedlings were assessed by pure culture isolations and direct sequencing. The isolation from 1440 roots of 480 seedlings (240 per each tree species) yielded 1110 isolates which, based on mycelial morphology and ITS rDNA sequences, were found to represent 87 distinct taxa.


Artikkelen gir ein introduksjon til rotekte plommesortar i Noreg. Under inventering i nokre få område, er det funne ulike typar av gule, raude, blå og grøne plommer. Ein del av desse er skildra i norsk pomologisk litteratur, og dei er også skildra i annan skandinavisk litteratur. Det er lite att av slike plommetre i dei fleste fruktdyrkingsområde.