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Det er kjent at mange viltveksande planteartar gjennom tidene har vore brukt som mat og i folke-medisinsk samanheng. Likevel er det etter som ein kjenner til gjort få undersøkinger av viltveksande vekstar i Norge med omsyn til mat- og helsefremjande plantar. Formålet med dette tiltaket/forpro-sjektet var å setje fokus på utnytting av det biologiske mangfaldet av viltveksande plantar og med-verke til at fleire brukar og utnyttar urter. Det er også eit ønskje å medverke til at fleire økologiske produkt kjem på marknaden for å dekke den aukande etterspørselen etter økologiske varer. I 2006 vart plantedelar frå 14 ulike viltveksande plantar hausta i tre område i Troms og analysert for total anti-oksidant-kapasitet ved hjelp av FRAP-metoden. Resultatet viser at det er stor variasjon i innhald mellom plante-artane og at fleire artar som t.d. bjørkeblad (144 mmol/100 g) og mjødurtblomst (215 mmol/100 g) har høge verdiar for antioksidantinnhald.

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Det er kjent at mange viltveksande planteartar gjennom tidene har vore brukt som mat og i folkemedisinsk samanheng. Likevel er det etter som ein kjenner til gjort få undersøkinger av viltveksande vekstar i Norge med omsyn til mat- og helsefremjande plantar. Formålet med dette tiltaket/forprosjektet var å setje fokus på utnytting av det biologiske mangfaldet av viltveksande plantar og medverke til at fleire brukar og utnyttar urter. Det er også eit ønskje å medverke til at fleire økologiske produkt kjem på marknaden for å dekke den aukande etterspørselen etter økologiske varer. I 2006 vart plantedelar frå 14 ulike viltveksande plantar hausta i tre område i Troms og analysert for total antioksidant- kapasitet ved hjelp av FRAP-metoden. Resultatet viser at det er stor variasjon i innhald mellom plante-artane og at fleire artar som t.d. bjørkeblad (144 mmol/100 g) og mjødurtblomst (215 mmol/100 g) har høge verdiar for antioksidantinnhald.


In the northern hemisphere, substantial amounts of de-icing chemicals are used to remove and prevent ice formation roads, runways and aeroplanes. Road and airport managers are therefore faced with the dual challenge of simultaneously maintaining public safety and meeting demands to protect the environment. De-icing fluids used on airports are commonly based on degradable organic solutes such as ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol or propylene glycol for aeroplanes, while de-icers for runways are based on urea, potassium formate or acetate. Sodium chloride (NaCl) is the most commonly used de-icing chemicals on Norwegian roads. At Oslo airport, Gardermoen, the accumulated amount of de-icers used at the airport is monitored and an upper threshold is defined according to potential degradation capacities and dilution in the unsaturated zone. There is so far, no such upper limit defined for road salting. The risk of contaminating the groundwater at Gardermoen is determined by several factors, the total consumption of de-icing chemicals, the infiltration conditions at the ground surface and the depth of the unsaturated zone. The monitoring of changes in electrical resistivities in 2000/2001 (French and Binley, 2004) documented a spatially variable infiltration pattern and basal ice played a significant role on melt water redistribution. Negative temperatures were measured in the top-soil throughout the entire winter period. In a similar study in 2005/2006 infiltration was more homogeneous and there was little ponding on the surface during snowmelt. Supporting the hypothesis that ground frost prior to snowfall plays a major role in the formation of basal ice, ponding and focused infiltration. The objective of the presented work, which is still ongoing (NFR 164946/S30, see: http://www.bioforsk.no/ViewPPP.aspx?view=project&id=659&ViewLanguage=English) is to: 1) Determine the use of de-icing chemicals as a result of climatic factors; 2) Model the changes in infiltration capacity as a function of weather and soil physical conditions throughout the winter period, and 3) Quantify the mechanism controlling focused infiltration and meltwater redistribution. Based on previously acquired knowledge on transport and degradation of de-icing chemicals in the unsaturated zone, prevailing boundary conditions and how they are affected by climatic conditions, a more probabilistic approach will be taken in order to determine the risk of groundwater contamination caused by different scenarios including climate change.


Kort orientering om hva Bioforsk kan gjøre av vintertesting for virus høsten 2007


VIPS (Varsling Innen PlanteSkadegjørere) er utviklet under handlingsplanen for redusert risiko ved bruk av plantevernmidler. Inngangsdata til varslingsmodellene er værdata fra 80 værstasjoner tilknyttet Landbruksmeteorologisk tjeneste, værprognoser fra Meteorologisk institutt og biologiske data innsamlet i samarbeid med Landbrukets forsøksringer. VIPS er åpen og gratis tilgjengelig for publikum på internettadressen www.vips-landbruk.no. For øyeblikket inkluderer VIPS varsel for hveteaksprikk i korn (Stagonospora nodorum), byggbrunflekk (Drechslera teres),  grå øyeflekk i korn (Rhynchosporium secalis), storknolla råtesopp (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum), tørråte i potet (Phytophthora infestans), kålfly (Mamestra brassicae) (cabbage moth), kålflue (Delia radicum), gulrotflue (Psila rosae), epleskurv (Venturia inequalis), eplevikler (Cydia pomonella) og gråskimmel i jordbær (Botrytis cinerea).


VIPS (Varsling Innen PlanteSkadegjørere) is a web-based decision support system designed to assist Norwegian growers in the management of pests, diseases and weeds of cereals, vegetables and fruit crops. VIPS was established in 2001 as a collaborative project between Bioforsk and Norwegian Agricultural Extension Service (NAES) under a government-funded action for reducing risk connected to the use of pesticides . The aim of VIPS is to provide information to advisors and farmers to reduce reliance on pesticides. Inputs to the forecasting models are weather data from the Bioforsk Agrometeorological Service consisting of a network of 80 automatic weather stations across crop production areas, weather forecasts from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and biological/field observations collected by NAES. A general interface is used for all models incorporated in the system, allowing new models to be implemented. During the growing season the monitoring of several pests and diseases are recorded through a message system in VIPS. The service is open and free of charge at www.vips-landbruk.no. Warnings are also available as sms messages. Pests and diseases currently included in VIPS : Wheat glume blotch (Stagonospora nodorum), Barley net/spot blotch (Drechslera teres), Barley scald (Rhynchosporium secalis), Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in oil seed rape , Potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans), Cabbage moth (Mamestra brassicae), Cabbage root fly (Delia radicum), Carrot root fly (Psila rosae),  Lettuce downy mildew (Bremia lactucae), Apple scab (Venturia inequalis), Codling moth (Cydia pomonella), Apple fruit moth (Argyresthia conjugella), Grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) in strawberry. More forecasting models for other pests/diseases are under development. A Danish weed management program to assess the need for control of weeds in cereal fields, eg choice of herbicide(s) and calculation of doses, has been adjusted for Norwegian conditions and included in VIPS . Both experiments and practical largescale testing of "VIPS weeds" during 2006, showed a potential of 40 % reduction of herbicide use in cereals. Current development aim at transferring the service from weatherstation-based to farm-based pest forecasts. Use of radar measurements of precipitation in combination with online interpolation of the other weather factors from nearest weather stations is expected to improve precision in the pest forecasts as well as farmers "ownership" to the information presented.