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The substitution of fossil fuels by biomass in energy consumption is a measure to decrease the emission of greenhouse gases and thereby mitigate global warming. An increased use of wood-based biomass for energy can also, if well managed, enhance the socioeconomic benefits from forests, particularly for small forest owners substituting purchased energy resources with their own wood fuels. At both European and national levels, political plans exist for an increased use of forest biomass for energy. However, the potential negative impact on the forest ecosystem and the surrounding environment due to an increased utilisation of wood-based biomass for energy needs also to be considered. The increased use of wood-based biomass must be fully in accordance with the principles of sustainable forest management, for example as outlined by the pan-European Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe.


The substitution of biomass for fossil fuels in energy consumption is a measure to mitigate global warming, as well as having other advantages. Political action plans for increased use exist at both European and national levels. This paper briefly reviews the contents of recommendations, guidelines, and other synthesis publications on sustainable use of forest biomass for energy. Topics are listed and an overview of advantages, disadvantages, and trade-offs between them is given, from the viewpoint of society in general and the forestry and energy sectors in particular. For the Nordic and Baltic countries, the paper also identifies the extent to which wood for energy is included in forest legislation and forest certification standards under the ?Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification? (PEFC) and the ?Forest Stewardship Council? (FSC) schemes. Energy and forest policies at EU and national levels, and European PEFC forest standards are analysed. With respect to energy policies, the utilisation of wood for energy is generally supported in forest policies, but forest legislation is seldom used as a direct tool to encourage the utilisation of wood for energy. Regulations sometimes restrict use for environmental reasons. Forest certification standards include indicators directly related to the utilisation of wood for energy under several criteria, with most occurrences found under environmental criteria. Roles and problems in relation to policy, legislation, certification standards, recommendations and guidelines, and science are discussed.


The substitution of biomass for fossils fuels in energy consumption is a measure to mitigate global warming, as well as having other advantages. Political action plans for increased use exist at both European and national levels. This paper briefly reviews the contents of recommendations, guidelines and other synthesis publications on sustainable use of forest biomass for energy. Topics are listed and an overview of advantages, disadvantages and trade-offs between them is given, from the viewpoint of society in general and the forestry and energy sectors in particular. For the Nordic and Baltic countries, the paper also identifies the extent to which wood for energy is included in forest legislation and forest certification standards under the “Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification” (PEFC) and the “Forest Stewardship Council” (FSC) schemes. Energy and forest policies at EU and national levels, and European PEFC forest standards are analysed. With respect to energy policies, the utilisation of wood for energy is generally supported in forest policies, but forest legislation is seldom used as a direct tool to encourage the utilisation of wood for energy. Regulations sometimes restrict use for environmental reasons. Forest certification standards include indicators directly related to the utilisation of wood for energy under several criteria, with most occurrences found under environmental criteria. Roles and problems in relation to policy, legislation, certification standards, recommendations and guidelines, and science are discussed.


Viktige eigenskapar til ei grunnstamme er å regulera veksten og gje store og jamnte avlingar av kvalitetsfrukt. Gjennom eit stort foredlingsarbeid i fleire land i Europa dei siste 10-åra, har det lukkast å foredla fram ei rad grunnstammer med moderat vekst, tidleg bering og god bereevne. Denne rapporten omtalar resultat av utprøving av 27 ulike grunnstammer med redusert vekst til søtkirsebærsorten Lapins gjennomført ved Bioforsk Ullensvang i åra frå 1999-2006. Dette er del av eit europisk samarbeidsprosjekt der 11 land er med.


Viktige eigenskapar til ei grunnstamme er å regulera veksten og gje store og jamne avlingar av kvalitetsfrukt. Gjennom eit stort foredlingsarbeid i fleire land i Europa dei to siste 10 åra, har det lukkast å foredla fram ei rad grunnstammer med moderat vekst, tidleg bering og god bereevne. Denne rapporten omtalar resultat av utprøving av 27 ulike grunnstammer med redusert vekst til søtkirsebærsorten Lapins gjennomført ved Bioforsk Ullensvang i åra frå 1999-2006. Dette er del av eit europisk samarbeidsprosjekt der 11 land er med.


Med utgangspunkt i de meteorologiske målingene på værstasjonen til Bioforsk Øst Landvik i Grimstad gir artikkelen en oversikt over været i 2006: Med en årsmiddeltemperatur på 8,3 °C, d.v.s. hele 1,4 °C over normalen på 6,9 °C, ble 2006 det tredje varmeste året siden målingene starta i 1957. 2006 ble også et relativt fuktig år. Total nedbørsmengde var på 1485 mm, dvs. om lag 21 prosent mer enn årsnormalen på 1230 mm.


Flått forårsaker sjodogg hos sau. Bioforsk Økologisk forsker på omfang og mulige forebyggende tiltak.