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Omvisning og demonstrasjon i Spind lauvskogpark


Among some of the mysteries of the Tunguska meteorite event, is the cause of the accelerated tree growth after 1908 in the catastrophe area (about 2000-2500 km^2). The main explanation of accelerated growth of old trees, was a result of decrease of competition level due to falling of considerable part of neighbour trees. We analyzed all available tree ring records (more than 100) including our own ones collected in the Taymir Region of Northern Siberia (72N; 105E) at a distance of about 1500 km to the North from the Tunguska catastrophe epicentre (61N; 102E). It was found that there were a considerable increase of tree ring growth in 1908 over a vast area of Siberia (60N-75N; 80E-110E) that at much more vast area (10^3 times more) than had been earlier considered. The similar effect was detected after the Chulym bolide explosion in 1984 (57.7N; 85.1E). Of course, the Chulym forest response area was some smaller taking into account incomparable powers of Tunguska and Chulym events). It is obvious that the interpretation mentioned above, of tree growth observed too far from epicentre, could hardly be accepted. A more likely hypothesis is that the growth of the trees became stimulated by the matter from comet that where spread over a large territory of Eurasia. It is generally believed that meteorites and comets delivered large amounts of simple organic composites to the early Earth. Another hypothesis is connected to NO produced during the event analyzed. For example, in time the Tunguska event the comet (probably fragment of the comet Enke) tail started to influence the Earth atmosphere several days before the fall of the meteorite causing optical anomalies observed mainly westwards from the place of TO explosion (Western Siberia, European Russia, Northern Europe). We discuss as well the role of "small signals" in simulation of biological object response. The work was supported by a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant N 05-04-97528), by the Program "Biodiversity and dynamics of gene pool" of the Russian Academy and by the Regional Scientific Program of the Murmansk region.