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In recent years the objectives of agricultural policy have shifted from a principal focus on production and income towards agriculture\"s provision of public goods summarized by the term ‘multifunctionality\". Agricultural sector models, which are important tools for policy advice, need to be adjusted in order to maintain their relevance and reliability in accordance with policy changes. This paper investigates the strengths and limitations of incorporating multifunctionality indicators in the agricultural sector model Common Agricultural Policy Regional Impact Analysis (CAPRI) by reviewing the existing literature and incorporating such indicators in the model. Multifunctionality indicators are developed and implemented for four selected aspects of multifunctionality: food security, landscape, environmental concerns and rural viability. By running different policy reform scenarios, it is shown that indicators closely related to the underlying economic variables of the sector model may provide useful to describe the effects of policy reforms on agriculture\"s multifunctionality. However, these indicators do not completely cover the selected aspects of multifunctionality. In order to yield a broader coverage, this paper proposes to strengthen interdisciplinary research by linking agricultural sector models with other model systems like farm-based economical-ecological models, regional economic models or landscape information systems.


Vi har studert den klimatiske reguleringen av blomsterdanningen hos en rekke norske populasjoner av markjordbær. Resultata viser mange likhetstrekk med det som er kjent for hagejordbær med et utpreget samspill av temperatur og daglengde. Markjordbær er således dagnøytrale og danner blomster i både korte og lange dager ved 9 °C, ved 15 °C bare under kortdags-forhold, mens de ikke evner å danne blomster i det hele tatt ved 21 °C uansett daglengdeforhold.


The forwarding of logs at harvest areas once the harvesting is done is planned manually by experienced operators. To improve their efficiency and simplify the planning we have developed and tested a decision support system at a major Swedish forest company. The system is based on a combination of a geographic information system (GIS), global positioning system (GPS), and optimization routines to solve the underlying vehicle routing problem. The routes for the forwarders are found by using a repeated matching algorithm. The solution time is short, and it is possible to find routes dynamically in a real-time environment. The geographic information required is found by using a GPS together with data obtained from the bucking software in the harvesters. To show the routes and location of the forwarder, we make use of a GIS that is connected to the GPS. We report on a study with savings in the distance travelled of 8% and numerical tests on the solution methodology. We also compare the proposed solution method with some well-known routing methods.


The use of forest fuel in combined heat and power plants is increasing, and procurement and transportation of fuel is a large part of the overall cost. The planning must consider different chipping systems that can be located at harvest areas, terminals or mills and a large variation in demand. Several truck systems are included and there are specific capacities for both transportation and chipping. We describe DSS together with results from a case study at a large forest company in Sweden.


As part of a project to stimulate Norwegian seed production of common bent (syn. browntop, US: colonial bentgrass, Agrostis capillaris L. syn. A.tenuis Sibth.) field trials comparing sowing rates 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 or 10 kg ha-1 were conducted at Landvik, SE Norway, (58ºN) from 1989 through 1994. Three trials were laid out in the forage cultivar `Leikvin" and three trials in the lawn cultivar `Nor", each trial being harvested for three consecutive years. While the average per cent ground cover in spring increased from 87% at 2.5 kg ha-1 to 94-96% at 7.5 kg ha-1, seed yields decreased with increasing sowing rate in both cultivars. On average for all harvests, quadrupling the sowing rate from 2.5 to 10 kg ha-1 reduced seed yield by 9% in `Leikvin" and 15 % in `Nor", the stronger effect probably being associated with a greater competition between tillers in the lawn cultivar. Seed yield reductions with increasing sowing rate showed no relationship with crop age, but were less accentuated for crops undersown in spring wheat in a dry year than for crops established without cover crop in years with ample rainfall in early summer. Increasing sowing rates reduced plant height and panicle number in `Nor", but had no effect on seed weight or germination in any of the cultivars. It is concluded that seed crops of common bent ought to be established with a sowing rate of 2-5 kg ha-1, with the lowest rate in lawn cultivars, under ideal seedbed conditions and when seed crops are sown without cover crop.


Utviklinga i norsk økologisk produksjon, økologisk areal blir presentert. I tillegg presenteres det norske økologiske markedet, markedstrender, forbrukerholdninger og importkrav for økologiske produkter.