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Occurrence of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) have been reported from all continents in the world except Antarctica. Africa is the continent with fewest reports so far. There have however been reports on EPNs occurrence in Egypt, Kenya and South Africa. EPNs are well known due to their potential as biological control agents of insect pests. Banana weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus) is as an important insect pest of banana. This pest causes reduced banana production in all countries of the East African Highlands in particular Tanzania and Uganda. Different strategies have been employed to control the insect. However the potential for using entomopathogenic nematodes as biological control agents of the weevil has not yet been considered in Tanzania. A preliminary study is ongoing to find out if entomopathogenic nematodes naturally exist in banana growing areas in Tanzania. Currently nine soil samples have been collected from three regions (Mbeya, Morogoro and Coast) with different agroecological conditions. The samples have been taken to Bioforsk in Norway, for extraction of EPNs. Analysis of the samples has been done using larvae of the Greater Wax moth (Galleria mellonella) as bait. After 7 and 14 days dead larvae were removed from the soil samples and placed on water agar. Some of the dead larvae were infected with entomopathogenic fungi and at least one sample had a dead larva with EPN infection. In this sample an adult nematode in the genus Steinernema was isolated. Many dead larvae also had what appeared to be secondary infections of saprophytic nematodes (Rhabditidae) and/or saprophytic fungi. Identification to species or genus level of the nematodes is ongoing. This study reports the find of EPNs for the first time in Tanzania. The isolation of indigenous EPNs are important for further studies on their suitability for control of local insect pests including banana weevils. Future work will include more soil samples for EPNs analysis and semi-field tests using EPNs against banana weevil.


Occurrence of entomopathogenic nematodes (Epn) have been reported from all continents in the world except Antarctica. Africa is the continent with fewest reports so far. There have however been reports on Epn occurrence in Egypt, Kenya and South Africa. Epns are well known due to their potential as biological control agents of insect pests. Banana weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus) is considered as an important insect pest of banana. This pest causes reduced banana production in all countries of the East African Highlands in particular Tanzania and Uganda. Different strategies have been employed to control the insect. However the potential for using entomopathogenic nematodes as biological control agents of the weevil has not yet been considered in Tanzania. A preliminary study is ongoing to find out if entomopathogenic nematodes naturally exist in banana growing areas in Tanzania. Currently nine soil samples have been collected from three regions (Mbeya, Morogoro and Coast) with different ecological conditions. The samples have been taken to Bioforsk in Norway, for extraction of Epn. Analysis of the samples has been done using larvae of the Greater Wax moth (Galleria mellonella) as bait. After 7 and 14 days dead larvae were removed from the soil samples and placed on water agar. Some of the dead larvae were infected with entomopathogenic fungi and at least one sample had a dead larva with Epn infection. In this sample an adult nematode in the genus Steinernema was isolated. Many dead larvae also had what appeared to be secondary infections of saprophytic nematodes (Rhabditidae) and/or saprophytic fungi. Identification to species or genus level of the nematodes is ongoing. This study reports the find of Epn for the first time in Tanzania. The isolation of indigenous Epns are important for further studies on their suitability for control of local insect pests including banana weevils. Future work will include more soil samples for Epn analysis and semi-field tests using Epn against banana weevil.


Oil transportation from the Russian part of the Barents Region along the Norwegian coast had insignificant volumes before 2002. However, in 2002 there was a dramatic increase in oil shipment, when 4 million tons of oil was transported across the northern regions. In 2003, the volume reached 8 million tons. The trend continued in 2004, and about 12 million tons of export oil and oil products were delivered from the Russian part of the Barents Region to the western market along the Norwegian coast. In 2005, the oil shipment volumes dropped to 9.5 million tons, and in 2006 increased to 10.5 million tons. In the present report on oil transportation from the Russian North, we have given special attention to the description of the existing and prospective offshore and onshore oil shipment terminals, and their connection to the oil reserves on one hand and to the export routes on the other. In this report we demonstrate that even without a trunk oil pipeline to the Barents Sea coast, the annual oil exports from the Russian part of the Barents Region may reach a volume of about 50-80 million tons in the next decade. About 50 million tons of crude oil and oil products can be delivered by railway to the Murmansk ports in the Barents Sea, and Kandalaksha and Arkhangelsk in the White Sea. In addition, up to 20 million tons of oil will come from the northern oil fields in the Nenets Autonomous Region, and from Prirazlomnoye oil field in the Pechora Sea. Prirazlomnoye is the first offshore industrial oil field in the Russian part of the Barents Region, the operations there will go on all year round, and most of the year in ice-covered waters. Dolginskoye oil field, which is also in the Pechora Sea and estimated to be three times as big as Prirazlomnoye, can produce the first oil in 2013. There will be stable increase in the amounts of oil shipped from Western Siberia. The terminals in the Kara Sea can load 2-3 million tons of crude oil for transhipment in the Kola Bay of the Barents Sea. In the European part of Russia there are three possibilities for shipping oil for export. The first way is through the Black Sea via the Bosporus to the Mediterranean Sea. Another route is through the Baltic Sea via the Gulf of Finland and Kattegat. The third alternative is to transport oil through the Barents Sea along the coasts of north-western Russia and northern Norway. Out of these three options only the northern one, the Barents Sea route, can provide the possibility of stable shipping large amounts directly to European and other major harbours, avoiding the challenges of transit through the neighbouring countries or heavy traffic in the sea straits. Oil pollution prevention should be the central issue during oil transportation in the Barents Sea. In this report we pay attention to the environmental safety matters in oil transportation and Norwegian-Russian co-operation in the oil pollution prevention. The increasing internationalisation of the transport system in the region appears to affect the present trend toward more advanced and safer terminals and vessels that comply with international safety rules. Early warning and notification of ships passing through the Norwegian waters has been used more frequently and on voluntary basis, but still not as often as desired and can be arranged within a bilateral Russian-Norwegian agreement. The establishment of traffic control centres in Vardø and Murmansk will considerably improve the oil spill prevention and response preparedness.


Fra tid til annen gulner plenen og andre grøntarealer uten at noen synlig grunn foreligger. Årsaken til gulningen kan være oldenborrelarver. Artikkelen beskriver problemet med oldenborrer i plen og om bekjempelse.


Oil shipment in the Barents Region had insignificant volumes before 2002. In 2002, there was a dramatic increase in oil transportation, when 4 million tons of oil was shipped across the northern regions of Russia and Norway. In 2003, the volume reached 8 million tons. The trend continued in 2004, and about 12 million tons of export oil and oil products were delivered from the Russian Arctic to the western market along the Norwegian coast. In 2005 and 2006, the annual oil shipment volume was on the level of 10 million tons. The terminals loading Russian oil for export in the Barents Region have been continuously developed, and the overall shipping capacity has been enlarged. In the recent study of oil shipment in the Barents Region we gave special attention to the existing and prospective offshore and onshore oil shipment terminals and their connection to the oil reserves on one hand and to the export routes on the other. We see now that even without a trunk oil pipeline to the Barents Sea coast, the annual oil exports from the Russian part of the Barents Region may reach a volume of about 50-80 million tons in the next decade. Crude oil and oil products will be delivered to the transshipment terminals in the ice free area of the Barents Sea by railway and shuttle tankers, and further shipped to export by line tankers. Oil pollution prevention should be the central issue during oil transportation in the Barents Sea.


I dette notatet vil jeg gi noen innfallsvinkler for hvordan miljøvernet kan få en bedre plass i samarbeidet mellom Norge og Russland. Først vil jeg se på det bilaterale miljøsamarbeidet, og deretter på skipstransporten av olje som passerer kysten av Norge på vei fra Russland. Mine kommentarer er fremsatt med utgangspunkt i min bakgrunn fra det bilaterale miljøsamarbeidet mellom Norge og Russland, hvor jeg særlig har fordypet meg i spørsmål knyttet til oljetransport med skip. http://www.regjeringen.no/nb/dep/ud/kampanjer/refleks/innspill/miljo_klima/Frantzen.html?id=492832


Om virksomheten ved Bioforsk Nord og om bakgrunn, metode, prosjekter og resultat i FoU-programmet for arktisk landbruk og naturbruk