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The coastal areas of Scandinavia provide suitable conditions for studying soil development with time, due to glacio-isostatic uplift. Our study area is located along both sides of the Oslofjord (Vestfold and stfold). The climate in this area is rather mild although it is located between 59 and 59 40 latitude. The mean annual temperature ranges from 5.4 to 6. 0 C. Precipitation is 9751094 mm year1 in Vestfold and 751829 mm year1 in stfold. Due to the steadiness of the uplift, no separate terraces were formed in the study area, but soils continuously get older from the coast inland. We established two soil chronosequences comprising six pedons each, one in Vestfold (1650 9000 years) and one in stfold (300011050 years). The ages were estimated by use of several sea level curves established for various locations in the area, based on calibrated radiocarbon datings. The parent material is loamy marine sediment. The geological basement below the sediment consists of basic magmatite (monzonite, latite) in Vestfold and predominantly acid magmatite (granite) in stfold. Higher precipitation in Vestfold leads to earlier beginning of clay illuviation. Clay coatings are perceptible in Vestfold already in the 1650 years old soil. In stfold they become visible for the first time in the 3500 years old soil. The E horizon becomes lighter with age, but its thickness stays constantly around 40 cm in both areas. The development of the characteristic albeluvic tonguing starts after 4000 to 5000 years. The tongues initially develop mainly along intersections of cracks. Due to ongoing leaching they increase in length and width, progressively consuming the prisms in between the cracks in the upper part of the Bt horizon. Base saturation in the upper 25 cm exhibits a decrease with time which can be best described by an exponential model, while pH (water) stays constantly at pH 4.4 0.4 in all soils covering a range of 1650 to 11050 years in age. These findings indicate that the soil pH is buffered by protonation of surface charges occupied by exchangeable base cations over a time span of more than 9000 years. The Fed/Fet ratio shows an increase with time which can be described by both, a linear or potential model, reflecting progressive iron release from mineral weathering. The Feo/Fed ratio shows a linear decrease indicating increasing degree of iron oxide crystallization.


Almesjuke, som kan forårsakes av to forskjellige sopparter, har vært kjent i Norge fra 1963. Fra 1981, da den aggressive arten O. novo-ulmi kom til Norge, har sjukdommen utviklet seg raskt. Den er nå etablert rundt Oslofjorden fra Fredrikstad til Skien.Almesjuke er en visnesjukdom som angriper alm i alle aldre. De første tegn på almesjuke viser seg i juni-juli. Da begynner bladene å visne i den delen av krona hvor infeksjonen først skjedde. Almesjukesoppene brer seg i karene ytterst i veden. Treet forsøker å stanse soppens utbredelse blant annet ved produksjon av fenoler. Dette gir en karakteristisk mørkfarging i vårveden.

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I økologisk drift vil ofte næringsforsyningen være en utfordring. Dette gjelder spesielt på sauebruk som disponerer lite husdyrgjødsel i forhold til areal. Det er som regel lite tilgjengelig konvensjonell husdyrgjødsel å få tak i fra nabobruk. Dermed kan alternativet være å kjøpe gjødsel godkjent for økologisk drift. Det finnes i dag flere typer å velge mellom. Resultatet basert på to vekstsesonger viser at alternative gjødseltyper kan gi positiv effekt på avlingsmengde i eng i gjødslingsåret og ved ettervirkning påfølgende år og også til dels positiv virkning på avlingskvalitet. Lønnsomheten vil avhenge av bl.a næringstilstanden i jorda, gjødselpris, fraktpris, mulighet for å kjøpe økologisk grovfôr og pris på produkt. Det er ønskelig med en alternativ gjødseltype framstilt lokalt eller regionalt. Transport av granulert fjørfegjødsel fra Sør-Norge og Danmark er lite forenlig med økologiske prinsipper.


Seed borne diseases can cause serious problems in organic cereal production because no fungicide treatments can be used and so far only few alternative treatments are approved. The effects of alternative seed treatments against net blotch (Drechslera teres) in barley and leaf blotch (D. avenae) in oats were investigated by laboratory tests and field trials at two locations in Norway in 2005. A barley seed lot with 65 % D. teres infected seeds and an oat seed lot with 15 % D. avenae infected seeds were used. The treatments included Inulex*, Terra Biosa**, acetic acid and Cedomon***, in addition to chemical seed treatment (triticonazol + imazalilsulfat) and untreated seeds as controls. Seeds were analysed for germination and pathogens in laboratory (2x100 seeds) and planted in rows of 100 seeds with 8 replicates in each field location. Percentage emergence and seedlings with primary infections were recorded at BBCH 12-13. Infection level of D. teres recorded in laboratory analyses were reduced significantly by Inulex and acetic acid. In field, the best effect was seen by the acetic acid treatment. The effects against D. avenae were generally poor in laboratory tests and the infection level of the oat seed lot used was too low to give primary symptoms in the field. Similar experiments will be carried out in 2006 and results from this will also be presented. *Extract of Inula viscosa. ** Containing lactic acid bacteria and different herbs. *** Commercial seed treatment (BIOAGRI), based on the soil bacteria Pseudomonas chlororaphis.


Analyse av pesticider i oppdrettsfisk og fiskefõr. Prøveekstraksjon på Soxtec med diklormetan. Opprensning av prøveekstrakt  med gelfiltrering (GPC) og dispersiv fastfase ekstraksjon (dSPE). Analyse på GC-MS for innhold av hhv 39 og 36 pesticider i fisk og fiskefõr.