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The present report outlines the processes and lists the data invented in a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of milk and meat produced at three modeled Norwegian dairy farms. The modeled farms represents typical dairy farms of average size and production intensity located in the three most important milk and beef production counties of Norway, i.e. Rogaland, Nord-Trøndelag and Oppland. Information on management and yields was collected from available statistics, results from recent research as well as informal interviews of farmers and supervisors in farmers extension services. Descriptions and data on buildings, machinery and equipment, consumption of diesel and oil, fertilizer, lime, seeds, pesticides, fences, polyethylene and additives for silage production, detergents, medicines, sawdust, cow matrasses, forages, concentrates and mineral supplement are given. Transport distances of major inputs (i.e. fertilizers, lime, feed concentrates, sawdust, and health care service) to the farm are also included. All data presented are on an annual basis at farm