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Som del av et feltforsøk opprettet i en semi-naturlig blåbærgranskog i Gaupen (Ringsaker) i SØ-Norge i 2008, for å undersøke effekter av konvensjonell flatehogst og heltrehogst med GROT-uttak, ble det etablert 84 permanent merkete 1 m2 vegetasjonsruter for registrering av bakkevegetasjon. Tidligere er det gjort artsregistreringer én gang i intakt skog før hogst (2008) og tre ganger etter flatehogst (2010, 2012 og 2014). I denne rapporten utvider vi tidsserien med en re-analyse av vegetasjonsrutene i 2023, 15 år etter flatehogst. Flatehogsten førte til store endringer, særlig i artsdekning og artssammensetningen. For ingen av analyseårene var det forskjeller i artssammensetning (målt som posisjon langs ordinasjonsakser) mellom konvensjonell hogst og heltrehogst (med GROT-uttak). Mest i øyenfallende etter hogst var en redusert dekning av moser (alle artsgrupper: bladmoser, levermoser og torvmoser) og økt dekning av gras og halvgras, samt en tilstrømning av nye arter (hovedsakelig urter og moser). 11 arter registrert før hogst ble ikke gjenfunnet femten år etter hogst, mens 47 arter kun ble funnet etter hogst. Det totale artsmangfoldet av karplaner og moser økte over nivået før hogst. De viktigste suksesjonsendringene fra blåbær (Vaccinium myrtillus) og bladmose dominert vegetasjon før hogst var representert ved et stort skifte mot dominans av smyle (Avenella flexuosa) og et mindre skifte mot nitrofil vegetasjon på hogstavfall. Dekningen av graminider, som før hogst var henholdsvis 9 % og 14 % for konvensjonell og heltrehogst, økte til et maksimum på om lag 70 % dekning fire år etter hogst, hvorpå dekningen ble noe redusert, og femten år etter hogst var 50 %.


The aim of this study was to compare various types of peat-free or peat-reduced growing media on growth and flowering of ‘Purple piruette’ petunia hybrids. In experiment 1, 30 variants of growing media, including commercial peat-based growing media, different peat-reduced and peat-free mixtures based on garden/park waste compost and wood fiber were tested. All the peat-free variants failed in producing normal, healthy plants without chlorosis. A commercial peat-reduced growing medium with peat, garden/park waste-compost and crushed rock material (0-2 mm), base fertilized with chicken manure, and similar growing media mixtures with other types of base fertilizer gave larger plants with more flowers than the peat-based reference. The highest performing mixture with the smallest amount of peat (35% wood fiber, 30% garden park/park waste-compost, 30% peat and 5% sand) gave equal results as the commercial peat-reduced growing medium. In experiment 2, further studies of the effect of peat reduction by incorporation of wood fiber and four compost types were performed. The effect of start fertilizer incorporation to the substrates was also assessed. One of the peat-free variants with compost and wood fiber gave normal plants with rich flowering but didn’t reach the performance of pure peat on plant size. The pH (H2O) of the composts seems to be a key factor for successful substrate mixtures of compost and wood fiber. The composts with highest pH gave small plants and start fertilizer had no effects on the growth. The results show that there is a potential for development of peat-free substrates based on compost and wood fiber presuming that pH (H2O) of the composts is not too high.

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Seasonal pollen allergy is a major public health concern, with many different pollen aeroallergens being present in the atmosphere at varying levels during the season. In Norway, information about spatiotemporal variation of pollen aeroallergens is currently lacking, leading to reduced ability to manage and treat seasonal allergies. Seven pollen aeroallergens (alder, hazel, willow, birch, pine, grass and mugwort) were monitored daily for 16 years from 12 regions and coalesced to create regional pollen calendars. Seasonal statistics, such as seasonal pollen integral (SPIn), onset, duration and periods of high and very high concentrations, were calculated for all pollen types and regions. High days were further modelled with SPIn in a linear regression framework to investigate the connection between the strength of the season and number of days above high pollen thresholds. The tree pollen season occurred between January and mid-July, with the pollen aeroallergens birch and pine being the most prominent in all regions. The herb pollen season was observed to occur between June and mid-August, although mugwort was almost completely absent. The grass pollen season was mostly mild on average but more severe in some regions, primarily Kristiansand. South-east regions of Oslo, Kristiansand and Lillehammer had the overall highest pollen load, while northern regions of Bodø, Tromsø and Kirkenes had the overall lowest pollen loads. SPIn and days above high pollen thresholds had positive highly significant relationships (R2 > 0.85) for all pollen types, bar mugwort. Regional pollen calendars and seasonal statistics contribute to reliable information that can be used by medical professionals to effectively and timely manage and treat seasonal pollen allergies in Norway. Further research is needed to determine sensitization profiles of pine and willow.