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Artikkelen diskuterer forvaltning av verneområder med utgangspunkt i det omstridte verneområdet i øygruppa Froan, Frøya kommune, Sør-Trøndelag.


Fremmede arter er arter som opptrer utenfor sitt naturlige utbredelsesområde og spredningspotensiale. Det er med en viss bekymring vi registrerer at enkelte av dem synes å trives godt i norske jordbrukslandskap.


CORINE Land Cover (CLC) is a seamless European land cover vector database. The Norwegian CLC for the reference year 2006 (CLC2006) was completed by the Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute (Skog og landskap) in 2009 and was produced according to CLC2006 technical guidelines (EEA 2007). CLC has a common nomenclature with 44 classes that is used throughout Europe. 31 of these classes are found in the Norwegian dataset. A coordinating Technical Team from the European Topic Centre on Land Use and Spatial Information (ETC-LUSI) is coordinating the mapping efforts ensuring that the classification is applied in a similar fashion in each country....


All the Norwegian CLC2006 classes are documented through descriptive statistical “profiles” of the actual contents in each class. The CLC2006 profiles are worked through based on an overlay operation between CLC2006 and AR5 (under the timberline) and AR50 (above the timberline). Based on this dataset statistics are generated, that shows the percent distribution of AR5 and AR50 classes in each CLC2006 class. The study was carried out with funding from the Norwegian Space Centre.


For almost 40 years the Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute (Norsk institutt for skog og landskap) has mapped vegetation in Norway. In total, just over 10 % of the country’s land area has been mapped, most of which is in the mountain regions. The resultant vegetation maps are the closest Norway has to an ecological map series. Many secondary map themes can be derived from the vegetation map and the digital format allows a wealth of both spatial and temporal GIS-analyses. Accordingly, there are many user groups and topics of interest. During 2009 the aim is to make the institute’s vegetation maps available to all via the Internet in a seamless database.