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Rapporten greier ut om kartgrunnlag som informerer om jordbruksforhold, sammen med kart og statistikk over hvilke deler av landet som dekkes av de ulike kartkildene. Datamaterialet som beskrives viser potensial for dyrking, jordstykkestørrelse og -form, terreng og høydeinformasjon, meteorologiske data, informasjon om kjøredistanser fra driftssentre og administrativ inndeling på ulike nivå.

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Near-shore areas face multiple stressors, effects of climate change, coastal construction and contamination. Although capping the seabed in these areas with mineral masses can reduce the impact of legacy contaminants in sediment, it can also result in the loss of flora and sessile fauna, both of which are vital components of near-shore ecosystems. Eelgrass (Zostera marina) is essential to marine near-shore areas as it supports biodiversity and mitigates the effects of climate change. Therefore, it would be beneficial to modify the top layer of caps to facilitate the reestablishment of these ecosystems when capping near-shore areas. This study describes results from an in situ, six-month field experiment conducted to compare increase in leaf length over the growing season and survival of eelgrass transplanted in two commercially available substrates (Natural sand and Crushed stone) and indigenous sediment (i.e., indigenous control sediment) in a capping project in Horten Inner harbour, Norway. Similar leaf length increase was found in Natural sand and Indigenous control sediment, both significantly higher compared to Crushed stone substrate. Survival was highest in our case in the Indigenous control sediment (120 %), with no significant difference between Crushed stone (20 %) and Natural sand substrates (25 %). These findings emphasize the importance of selecting appropriate substrate for successful seagrass restoration.

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Over three years, motivations of participants in a neighbourhood garden seemed to reflect the development of the garden from the start-up phase, through consolidation, until a state where further existence requires transitions in responsibility and funding.


In Norway we now get more up-to-date maps for land resource map (AR5), because the domain experts on agriculture in the municipalities in Norway have got access to a easy to use client. This system includes a simple web browser client and a database built on Postgis Topology. In this talk we will focus on, what is it with Postgis Topology that makes it easier to build user friendly and secure tools for updating of land resource maps like AR5. We will also say a couple of words about advantages related to traceability and data security, when using Postgis Topology. In another project, where we do a lot ST_Intersection and ST_Diff on many big Simple Feature layers that covers all of Norway, we have been struggling with Topology exceptions, wrong results and performance for years. Last two years we also tested JTS OverlayNG, but we still had problems. This year we are switching to Postgis Topology and tests so far are very promising. We also take a glance on this project here in this talk. A Postgis Topology database modell has normalised the data related to borders and surfaces as opposed to Simple Feature where this is not the case. Simple Feature database modell may be compared to not using foreign keys between students and classes in a database model, but just using a standard spreadsheet model where each student name are duplicated in each class they attend. URL’s that relate this talk https://gitlab.com/nibioopensource/pgtopo_update_gui https://gitlab.com/nibioopensource/pgtopo_update_rest https://gitlab.com/nibioopensource/pgtopo_update_sql https://gitlab.com/nibioopensource/resolve-overlap-and-gap