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I 2018 var det tørkesommer i Sør-Norge, mens Nord-Norge opplevde en sommer med tilnærmet normale forhold for planteveksten. Vekstsesongen kom i gang seinere enn vanlig på grunn av en kald og sein vår over hele landet. Allerede fra siste halvdel av mai ble det uvanlig varmt og nedbøren uteble i Sør-Norge. Korn- og grasavlingene ble omtrent halvert i forhold til et normalår. Grønnsaker, poteter, frukt og bær ble vannet så mange fikk bra avlinger. Nedbør på seinsommeren og høsten fikk i gang grasveksten på eng og beiter, så det ble berget en del for seint i vekstsesongen.

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Rapporten inneholder oppdaterte beregninger (høsten 2018) av- og forslag til standardiserte erstatningssatser som kan nyttes overfor produsenter som har større husdyrproduksjon enn konsesjonsregelverket tillater. Beregningene søker å gi et bilde av normalisert fortjeneste per dyr. I denne korrigerte utgaven er en inkonsistens i beregningene av faste kostnader for eggproduksjonen rettet opp (august 2020) og faste kostnader for smågrisproduksjonen (2. juni 2021). Datagrunnlaget for beregningene er det samme som høsten 2018.

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Coastal erosion is an issue of major concern for coastal managers and is expected to increase in magnitude and severity due to global climate change. This paper analyzes the potential consequences of climate change on coastal erosion (e.g., impacts on beaches, wetlands and protected areas) by applying a Regional Risk Assessment (RRA) methodology to the North Adriatic (NA) coast of Italy. The approach employs hazard scenarios from a multi-model chain in order to project the spatial and temporal patterns of relevant coastal erosion stressors (i.e., increases in mean sea-level, changes in wave height and variations in the sediment mobility at the sea bottom) under the A1B climate change scenario. Site-specific environmental and socio-economic indicators (e.g., vegetation cover, geomorphology, population) and hazard metrics are then aggregated by means of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) with the aim to provide an example of exposure, susceptibility, risk and damage maps for the NA region. Among seasonal exposure maps winter and autumn depict the worse situation in 2070–2100, and locally around the Po river delta. Risk maps highlight that the receptors at higher risk are beaches, wetlands and river mouths. The work presents the results of the RRA tested in the NA region, discussing how spatial risk mapping can be used to establish relative priorities for intervention, to identify hot-spot areas and to provide a basis for the definition of coastal adaptation and management strategies.

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This study evaluates MODIS snow cover characteristics for large number of snowmelt runoff events in 145 catchments from 9 countries in Europe. The analysis is based on open discharge daily time series from the Global Runoff Data Center database and daily MODIS snow cover data. Runoff events are identified by a base flow separation approach. The MODIS snow cover characteristics are derived from Terra 500 m observations (MOD10A1 dataset, V005) in the period 2000–2015 and include snow cover area, cloud coverage, regional snowline elevation (RSLE) and its changes during the snowmelt runoff events. The snowmelt events are identified by using estimated RSLE changes during a runoff event. The results indicate that in the majority of catchments there are between 3 and 6 snowmelt runoff events per year. The mean duration between the start and peak of snowmelt runoff events is about 3 days and the proportion of snowmelt events in all runoff events tends to increase with the maximum elevation of catchments. Clouds limit the estimation of snow cover area and RSLE, particularly for dates of runoff peaks. In most of the catchments, the median of cloud coverage during runoff peaks is larger than 80%. The mean minimum RSLE, which represents the conditions at the beginning of snowmelt events, is situated approximately at the mean catchment elevation. It means that snowmelt events do not start only during maximum snow cover conditions, but also after this maximum. The mean RSLE during snowmelt peaks is on average 170 m lower than at the start of the snowmelt events, but there is a large regional variability.