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Denne rapporten gir en beskrivelse av skogsveger i bynære områder, med en vurdering av hvorvidt de kan fylle en flerbruksfunksjon i forhold til tradisjonelt skogbruk og friluftsliv. Et hovedspørsmål var om hensyn til friluftslivet fører til en dårligere vegstandard enn det som kreves i normalene for skogsveger. Det ble undersøkt både vegtekniske krav, miljøtilpasning og hensyn til andre brukere. Fem veger, to traktorveger og tre bilveger, i fire områder i Bergen kommune ble valgt ut til undersøkelsen. To veger var bygd med tradisjonell materialbruk, dvs. naturlig underbygning og bærelag av stein, mens to veger var bygd med flis fra rivningsavfall som underbygning og asfaltrester eller stein som bærelag. En veg var en kombinasjon av disse typene. På fire av vegene var vegskråningene dekt med ulike kombinasjoner av jord, grøntavfall og hygienisert kloakkslam som var tilsådd med gras. Registreringene ble foretatt gjennom målinger og beskrivelser av potensielle avvik i forhold til vegnormalene, og av faktorer som ble antatt å være av betydning for friluftsliv. Det ble funnet få avvik fra vegnormalene. Innvendingene gjaldt møteplasser som var for korte og trær som sto for nær vegkantene. Noen kurver hadde for liten breddeutvidelse i forhold til radius. Det forekom også at grøfter var for grunne og at stikkrenner var for korte eller hadde for lite overdekning. Vegene hadde generelt god linjeføring og landskapstilpasning. Flis i vegkroppen gjør det mulig å legge vegene utenom knauser og fjell, samtidig som inngrepet blir mindre ved passering av myrer. De dekte vegskråningene gror fort til med gras og urter. Vegkryss med andre veger eller stier hadde god utforming. Landemerker, dvs. formasjoner eller innretninger som lett kan gjenkjennes, ble funnet langs alle vegene. Opplevelsesverdiene var ivaretatt på en tilfredsstillende måte. Graden av tilrettelegging var forskjellig fra veg til veg, men et forbedringspotensial ble avdekket i forhold til informasjon og skilting.


Overvåkingsprogrammet for skogskader (OPS) har siden starten registrert skader på de undersøkte trærne. Målet med skaderegistreringene har vært og vil fortsatt være å forklare variasjoner i trærnes kronetetthet og kronefarge. Men fra og med 2005 ønsker ICP Forests en standardisert rapportering av skader på trær fra alle land som deltar i det europeiske overvåkingsprogrammet. En slik harmonisering av registreringer vil over tid kunne gi et bilde av utbredelse, forekomst og skadelige virkninger av insekter, sopp, værforhold eller andre årsaker som påvirker skogen i Europa. Uten denne informasjonen vil det være svært vanskelig å tolke kronetetthets- og kronefargeresultatene. Data fra skogskaderegistreringene vil også kunne bli brukt i andre internasjonale skogpolitiske sammenhenger, som blant annet spørsmålet om bærekraftig skogbruk. For å imøtekomme kravene i den nye internasjonale instruksen har Skogforsk og NIJOS i samarbeid plukket ut viktige sopper, insekter, vilt/beitedyr, værforhold og andre årsaker som kan påvirke trærne i norsk skog. De viktigste er presentert i dette heftet. Tekstene og bildene skal være en hjelp til gjenkjenning av skadene som kan observeres i trekronene.


Seeds of Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt. (subalpine fir) were dissected, and the different parts were analyzed for elemental composition. The data were used to design a novel growth medium for initiation of somatic embryogenesis. Embryogenic cultures were initiated from immature zygotic embryos from six open-pollinated families of A. lasiocarpa on three different media.The frequency of initiation was the highest in early to mid-July when the zygotic embryo explants were ca. 0.8 mm long. Thereafter the response declined rapidly.The culture media did not significantly affect the initiation frequencies, but the subsequent growth and culture survival was dependent on the culture medium. On the Schenk Hildebrandt medium, many cultures ceased to grow and died. Several of the decaying cultures were rescued after transfer to one of the new media. Proliferating cultures could be stimulated to produce mature embryos. Of 2510 mature somatic embryos, 212 (8.4%) converted to plants, and 35 plants have grown over two periods.


Stilbene synthases make the backbone of stilbenes in a single enzymatic step. Many stilbenes are stressinduced antimicrobial phenolics, believed to work in disease resistance. In conifers, stilbenes are found in pine (Pinus), spruce (Picea) and a few other genera.Stilbene synthase isoforms in pine use cinnamyl-CoA to form pinosylvin, these are termed pinosylvin synthases, whereas stilbene synthases in spruce use pcoumaryl- CoA to form resveratrol and are sometimes termed resveratrol synthases.Pinosylvin has been found to be more effective than resveratrol in inhibiting fungal growth and wood decay (Seppnen et al. 2004), and pathogens of non-pinosylvin producing species have been found to be less tolerant of pinosylvin than pine pathogens (Seppnen et al. 2004). In the present study, Norway spruce (Transformation of Norway spruce with the pinosylvin synthase gene, PSS1) was transformed using the biolistic technique with a gene encoding pinosylvin synthase, PSS1, from Scots pine and the E. coli nptII antibiotic resistance gene.Vector constructs carrying PSS1 in sense and antisense, as well as control vectors without PSS1 were transferred into two embryogenic cell lines of Norway spruce, 11703-B63 and 186-3C. Selection condition for transgenic tissue was conferred by nptII in combination with the antibiotic geneticin. Geneticin resistant lines were recovered from all transformation events, a total of 55 lines.NptII was detected by PCR analysis in many of these lines, the majority derived from the cell line 11703 B63. However, nptII protein was detected in just five lines, and several lines of evidence indicate that the transgenic lines obtained in this study might be chimaeras.Fifty-six seedlings were successfully regenerated from antibiotic resistant lines, 50 of these were derived from cell line 11703 B63. All seedlings died during cold storage before further testing could be carried out.


We investigate ecosystem dynamics by analyzing time series of measured variables. The information content and the complexity of these data are quantifed by methods from information theory.When applied to runoff (stream discharge) from catchments, the information/complexity relation reveals a simple non-trivial property for a large ensemble (more than 1800) of time series. This behaviour is so far not understood in hydrology.Using a multi-agent network receiving input resembling rainfall and producing output, we are able to reproduce the observed behaviour for the first time. The reconstruction is based on the identification and subsequent replacement of general patterns in the input. We thus consider runoff dynamics as the expression of an interactive learning problem of agents in an ecosystem.


We investigate a data set of 160 river runoff time series at daily resolution from catchments in Southern Germany. Our aim is to seek spatial patterns for best parametrization of extreme value distributions to these data sets on one hand, and to analyze temporal instationarities of parameter estimates and extreme value attributes on the other. Conventional extreme value statistics and the calculation of return periods implicitly assume that the most extreme events are statistically independent. We demonstrate that this assumption is invalid, and that correlations, temporal as well as spatial, of arbitrary extent prevail instead. An important consequence is that the concept of return periods is obsolete. In order to find explanatory variables for the observed patterns, features of the waiting time distribution at a given relative threshold are correlated to catchment properties, such as size, mean runoff volume, elevation, and others. Finally, the effect of varying temporal resolution on the duration periods is exhibited. http://www.cosis.net/abstracts/EGU05/03192/EGU05-J-03192.pdf


Instationarities in runoff time series are ubiquitous. However, simple trend analyses are often obscured by the presence of long-term correlations, and some instationarities are not simply changes in the mean or periodicities. Thus, wherever feasible, instationarities should be based on the full frequency distribution, or the cumulative distribution function (cdf), of the series. In this paper, we investigate the time-dependence of the empirical cdfs of 97 runoff datasets from the upper Danube basin applying a new pairwise test statistic, KSSUM, based on integrated differences of the cdfs. This is an improvement to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test and was applied on different time scales, i.e. windows of varying size. If desired, the influence of drifts in the mean as well as heteroscedasticity can be excluded via z-transformations. The resulting time series of the KSSUM variable, either within a runoff series for different windows, or across series for the same period, is then subjected to the detection of spatiotemporal patterns with different methods. For most of the time series the underlying distributions move towards higher values in the long run. We also observed a periodic drift in the mean across all analysed gauges. It is furthermore possible to separate exceedingly variable runoff series from those with intermediate or small changes in value distribution on a regional basis, and thus to separate overall trends from local deviations at individual gauges. It is demonstrated that KSSUM is a sensitive method to investigate instationarities in sets of time series based on pairwise comparisons. An extension to a proper multivariate comparison is a possible further development. http://www.cosis.net/abstracts/EGU05/04198/EGU05-J-04198.pdf