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Flått forårsaker sjodogg hos sau. Bioforsk Økologisk forsker på omfang og mulige forebyggende tiltak.


The area of wood protection is in a period of change. New wood protection systems have been developed while their mode of action remains insufficiently understood. The development of molecular methods provides potential tools to investigate the interaction between modified wood and decay fungi. One small step to tackle some of the unsolved questions about the mode of action of modified wood is taken in this study. A specific and quantitative real-time PCR (QRT-PCR) assay was now established for identifying and quantifying early stages of fungal colonisation in modified wood and for profiling growth dynamics of the white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor through different stages of decay. QRT-PCR of colonisation of three different wood modification systems (acetylation, furfurylation, thermal modification), two reference treatments (Cu-HDO, CCA) and Scots pine sapwood as control was performed. Incubation time was 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 weeks...


In Norway exterior wood structures have traditionally nearly exclusively been made of treated and untreated Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris. In recent years there has been a tendency that other tree species, like various domestic hardwoods and imported species have been used in exterior above ground applications, often unfinished. For several wood species, especially hardwoods, information regarding the durability in use class 3 is lacking. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate natural durability of Norwegian wood species for above ground applications comparing two non-standard above ground tests with the European standard tests for soil contact (EN 252) and lab performance against basidiomycetes (EN 113). The European standard tests EN 113 and EN 252 gave quite similar results, and they also corresponded well with the natural durability classification in EN 350-2. The two non-standard above ground tests differed to some extend from EN 113, EN 252 and EN 350-2. The results indicate that natural durability classification for one single wood species can change depending on use class. However, the field trials need a longer period of time before a final classification can be performed. Four species not included in EN 350-2 were classified in this study: Juniperus communis (1), Salix caprea (5), Sorbus aucuparia (5) and Populus tremula (5).


In this study, the effect of two boric acid concentrations (1% and 2%) and four derivates of tall oil with varying chemical composition were tested separately and in combination. The tall oil derivates were chosen in a way that they consist of different amounts of free fatty, resin acids and neutral compounds. Decay tests using two brown rot fungi (Postia placenta and Coniophora puteana) were performed on both unleached and leached test samples. Boric acid showed a low weight loss in test samples when exposed to fungal decay before leaching, but no effect after leaching...


Wood for outdoor decking has a high marked share in the Nordic and Baltic countries among private house owners. Important issues for the consumer are maintenance intervals and aesthetic appearance as well as decay resistance. Knowledge and consumer information about these aspects are required to ensure that wood can compete with alternative decking materials. In this paper an accelerated testing of decking, “stapelbäddsmetoden”, was evaluated after six years of exposure at Ås, Norway, and compared with earlier reported results after three years. Twelve different preservatives and wood modification treatments were used in addition to untreated Scots pine (sapwood and heartwood) and larch (heartwood). The samples were treated with two different surface treatments. In addition there was one set without any surface treatment. In this method for accelerated testing, discolouration and decay was evaluated. This provided new information about performance both on and above ground for a range of different combinations of preservative/modified systems and surface treatments of wood in decking for outdoor use. For example, no clear differences were found between the surface treatments and no surface treatment. The wood modifications with styrene and furfurylalcohol performed just as good, or better, than the copper containing treatments.

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Ved hjelp av elektriske signaler måler den nyutviklete råtedetektoren Rotfinder, rotråte i stående grantrær. Målingene er hurtige og ikkedestruktive. Treets elek triske egenskaper forandres ved angrep av råte. Metallioner frigjøres og fører til at motstanden i treet blir mindre. Det er dette som utnyttes ved målinger med Rotfinder.


In Norway, exterior wood structures have traditionally, nearly exclusively been made of untreated Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) and pressure treated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). In recent years there has been a tendency that other wood species, like various Norwegian hardwoods or imported species, have been used in exterior above ground applications, often not surface treated. For several wood species, especially hardwoods, information regarding the durability in use class 3 is limited. Most information given in EN 350 part 2 is based on testing of the heartwood in ground contact. The test procedures for above ground test prescribed in European standards, both laboratory and field tests, have some weaknesses regarding natural durability testing. Hence, some new methods for accelerated above ground testing have been put forward. The main objectives of this project are to evaluate natural durability of Norwegian and some imported wood species for above ground applications, and to study various methods for assessing decay in wood. The project material and methods used in the project, and the results from double layer tests after one year of exposure has earlier been described, Flæte et al. (2006). This paper presents the results of the weight and MOE loss in small samples after about 3 years exposure above ground.


Whereas lichen growth rates have received considerable attention, comparatively few detailed studies of growth patterns have been carried out. Generally, most lichens seem to grow apically, with pseudomeristomatic tissue confined to lobe margins and branch tips. However, some species appear to retain the capacity to expand throughout the thallus. Such intercalary growth processes have proved difficult to confirm in the field for two- and three-dimensionally growing folious and fruticose forms. Using transplants of the conspicuous, one-dimensionally growing Usnea longissima Ach., we document that intercalary growth actually does occur, with thalli expanding geometrically in length with a doubling time of less than a year under favorable conditions.