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Biodiversity is assumed to have high value for many people, but the necessary preservation also incurs a cost for the forest owner. Typically, studies of this cost are at the stand level, and hence, not very accurate as the cost may vary even within the stand. In this work, we use a 1m×1m grid, generated from LIDAR data, to estimate the cost for harvesting and forwarding. The method could be utilized to calculate compensation, and to select between key woodland habitats to minimise the cost. In three of four test cases, the main cost was reduced harvested volume, but in one case the key woodland habitat also made the harvesting operations more expensive.

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Aspen (Populus tremula L.) is associated with high biodiversity and provides high-quality forage for wild browsing herbivores in boreal and temperate ecosystems. The long-term persistence of aspen in many regions in Scandinavia has been questioned due to the historically high browsing levels. We here review the basic ecology, genetics and life histories of aspen in a browsing context. Browsers can suppress the regeneration of aspen and the relatively short lifespan of the trees result in frequent regeneration cycles and concurrent exposure to browsers. In the long term, browsing may reduce recruitment and delay maturation, increase mortality and ultimately cause a decline of aspen. Norwegian forest inventory data indicate a reduced recruitment rate of young aspen (diameter at breast height; 60–79 mm) during the last 25 years, but it is unclear whether this is all due to browsing. Regeneration may also be hampered by lack of disturbance. Recent genetic studies have shown that aspen may have substantial regeneration by seeds, which allows for effective migration. The main conclusion of this review is that although browsing may affect demography and local abundance of aspen, it is very unlikely to lead to the eradication of the species in Fennoscandia.

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Development of surface moulds and staining fungi on painted spruce panels with known origin and wood properties was investigated over a period of 4 years. Materials of Norway spruce (Picea abies) were sampled from two sites with high-productive forest on lowland in South-eastern Norway and two low-productive sites at higher altitudes and somewhat farther north. Claddings were processed from inner centreboards (mainly heartwood) and outer centerboards of both butt logs and second logs. A sub-sample of radially sawn claddings was compared with corresponding tangentially sawn claddings. Heartwood proportion, density, annual ring width, knot diameters and knot area were measured. All panels were coated with the same water-borne alkyd modified acrylic paint system. Most of the tangentially sawn claddings were coated on the side facing pith, but a sub-sample was coated on the opposite side for comparison. The specimens were exposed with 45˚ angle of inclination facing south in a field trial in Oslo from 2007 to 2011, and mould growth was evaluated visually according to EN 927-3. 7.7% of the specimens were rated as 2, 71.4% were rated as 3, 19.4% were rated as 4, and 1.5% were rated as 5. Outer boards were rated significantly higher than inner boards, while differences between origins were not significant. There was a tendency of decreased rating with increasing heartwood proportion, but the relationship was not significant. Nor was there any significant effect of annual ring with, density or knot properties. Neither the difference between radially and tangentially sawn claddings, nor the difference between specimens coated on the side facing pith was significant.