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Forest damage will result in two general effects: defoliation and/or discolouration. The two available techniques in remote sensing of forests today, LiDAR and spectroscopy, are promising tools for monitoring these two, respectively. Merging data on foliar mass, estimated by LiDAR, with data on chlorophyll concentrations, estimated by spectroscopy, can provide data on chlorophyll mass pr area unit. Monitoring the temporal changes of this is likely to be a very good measure for variations in forest health.In order to check out the possibilities for this, we are now working on building relationships between foliar mass data and LiDAR data for single spruce trees. In total we have measurements of position and stem diameter on about 2000 trees distributed on 16 plots, where 64 trees are intensively sampled for estimating foliar mass, as well as crown size.We need to parameterize a relationship between the LiDAR data for each of these trees and their foliar mass (or leaf area). If we succeed to build this relationship, we will scale it up to provide foliar mass (or leaf area) estimates for every 10x10 m pixels in two SPOT images of the area.Together with a similar up-scaling of chlorophyll concentrations, based on spectroscopy, we will test the possibility of estimating chlorophyll mass per area from SPOT or other satellites. In addition, we have visually assessed data on crown density for all the trees, being a rough, but valuable data-set for validating the relationship.The work, being in progress now, includes several tasks:a) finding an appropriate canopy surface modelb) segmentation of treesc) estimating crown volume, and evt d) handling of smaller trees standing below (this is a heterogenous canopy layer forest) and e) handling of the relative influence of stem and branches.Additionally, we see some other benefits from using LiDAR together with airborne hyperspectral data and satellite data in general. Firstly, the combination of high resolution LiDAR and hyper-spectral data, is a good basis for separating the signals from ground vegetation and from the tree canopy. Secondly, LiDAR provides both a DTM and a canopy surface model, and they are two alternative surface models for the geo-referencing of other data, and for appropriate handling of effects of shadowing and obstacles from tall trees.


Considerable knowledge exists about the effect of aluminium (Al) on root vitality, but whether elevated levels of Al affect soil microorganisms is largely unknown. We thus compared soils from Al-treated and control plots of a field experiment with respect to microbial and chemical parameters, as well as root growth and vitality. Soil from a field experiment established in a 50 year old Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) stand where low concentrations of aluminum (0.5 mM AlCl3) had been added weekly or bi-weekly during the growth season for seven years was compared to a control treatment with respect to microbial and chemical parameters, as well as root growth and vitality. Analysis of soil solutions collected using zero tension lysimeters and porous suction cups showed that Al treatment lead to increased concentrations of Al, Ca and Mg and lower pH and [Ca+Mg]/[Al] molar ratio. Corresponding soil analyses showed that soil pH remained unaffected (pH 3.8), that Al increased, while extractable Ca and Mg decreased due to the Al treatment. Root ingrowth into cores placed in the upper 20 cm of the soil during 28 months was not affected by Al additions, neither was the mortality of these roots. The biomass of some taxonomical groups of soil microorganisms in the humus layer, analyzed using specific membrane components (phospholipid fatty acids; PLFAs), was clearly affected by the imposed Al treatment, but less so in the underlying mineral soil. Microbial community structure in the humus layer was also clearly modified by the Al treatment, whereas differences in the mineral horizon were less clear. Shifts in PLFA trans/cis ratios indicative of short term physiological stress were not observed. Yet, aluminium stress was indicated both by changes in community structure and in ratios of single PLFAs for treated/untreated plots. Thus, soil microorganisms were more sensitive indicators of subtle chemical changes in soil than chemical composition and vitality of roots.


Root and needle litter are the most important sources of organic carbon in forest soils. Their decomposition is thus important for the long-term storage of C in, and release of CO2 from, the soil. Different components in the organic matter will decompose with different speeds. NIRS (Near InfraRed Spectroscopy) is a relatively simple and promising way of analysing the composition of organic matter, but its use in forest soil and litter studies has been limited up to now. We will present preliminary results from litter decomposition studies in two forest ecosystems: Picea abies stands (30 and 120 years old) from Nordmoen, Norway, and uneven-aged P. abies stands with a mean age of 90 years and under different N treatments at Gårdsjön, Sweden. ags with litter collected from the stands have been buried in the soil for different time periods and have been analysed using a CHN-analyzer and NIRS. Two aspects will be discussed: a) model calibration and validation for C and N concentrations, and b) assessment of decomposability using NIRS.


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Problemstillingen som behandles i rapporten er valg av strategi for ungskogpleie i naturlige foryngelser av gran hvor konkurransen fra løvtreoppslag varierer fra middels til ekstremt høyt. Utgangspunktet er resultater fra feltene Skallevoll i Vestfold, samt Brekkeskog og Eldor i Ås, som ble etablert mellom 1985 og 1994. Dessuten er publiserte og i begrenset grad også upubliserte resultater fra tilsvarende andre felt, diskutert. På middels bonitet er det ofte mulig å vente med ungskogpleien til grana har nådd to meters høyde og da helrydde feltet. Dersom vedproduksjon er ønskelig, kan det eventuelt settes glissen skjerm med 600 til 800 stammer/ha som avvirkes etter 10-15 år. På høy bonitet som ofte har tette løvoppslag, er en tidlig regulering av løvoppslaget nødvendig for at ungskogpleien skal bli effektiv. Løvoppslaget bør reguleres til 4000-5000 stammer/ha før grana har nådd en høyde på 0,5 meter. Etter 4-5 år kan det være nødvendig å tynne i skjermen som kan avvikles når grana har nådd en middelhøyde på to meter. Dersom forholdene ligger til rette for vedproduksjon eller om det er muligheter for produksjon av sagtømmer, er alternativet at skjermen glisnes ut til mellom 800 og 1000 stammer/ha. Beslutningen om avvirkning av denne ligger da ca. 10 år fram i tiden. Dersom den da avvirkes, vil den negative effekten på granas vekst være merkbar om skjermtrærne er hengebjørk, anslagsvis 30-40 % nedgang i høydevekst, og sannsynligvis betydelig mindre om de er dunbjørk. Kvaliteten på skjermtrærne må være meget bra om det skal satses videre på produksjon av sagtømmer.


Extensive monitoring of forest health in Europe has been carried out for two decades, based mainly on defoliation and discolouration. Together these two variables reflect chlorophyll amounts in the tree crown, i.e. as an indicator of foliar mass, and chlorophyll concentration in the foliage, respectively.In a current project we try to apply remote sensing techniques to estimate canopy chlorophyll mass, being a suitable forest health variable. So far, we limit this to Norway spruce only. LIDAR data here play an important role, together with optical and spectral data, either from survey flights or from satellites. We intend to model relationships between foliar mass and LIDAR data for sample trees, and then scale up this to foliar mass estimates for the entire LIDAR area.Similarly, we try to scale up chlorophyll concentrations in sample trees, by modelling a relationship between sample tree chlorophyll and hyper-spectral data. The estimates of foliar mass and chlorophyll concentrations are then aggregated to every 10x10 m pixel of a SPOT satellite scene which is also covered by airborne data, providing an up-scaled ground truth. If we are successful with this, it might be a starting point for developing a new nationwide forest health monitoring system in Norway.


Conventional extreme value statistics and the calculation of return periods implicitly assume stationarity of distributions and statistical independence at least asymptotically (most extreme events).We demonstrate, using a collection of river runoff time series from Southern Germany, that these assumptions are invalid, and that temporal as well as spatial correlations prevail instead: temporal differences of distributions are nearly synchronized within a region, and there are systematic trends of percentiles especially at low flow conditions within the 20th century.As a consequence, the estimated return periods of a given threshold flow are fluctuating, in some cases even in a dramatic fashion. On the other hand, a general trend towards an increase in flood frequencies cannot be stated on basis of our investigations, in accordance with other recent findings (Mudelsee et al. 2003), but contrary to general expectations drawn from climate change studies.