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Biofertilizers, fertilizers made from organic residues, could replace some mineral fertilizers, reducing energy consumption and resource mining. The main treatment options are composting, anaerobic digestion, drying, pyrolysis and combustion, they can be used alone or in combination. The quality of biofertilizers depend both on the original residue and on the treatment, but in most cases not all the nutrients are immediately available to plants. It is difficult to predict how available the nutrients are, and when they will become available. The methods to assess and predict nutrient availability are reviewed. Furthermore, the effect of biofertilizers on the environment in the form of nutrient losses and greenhouse gas emissions are reviewed and compared to mineral fertilizers. There is a need to produce biofertilizers with better and more predictable qualities, and also to understand their effects over multiple seasons.

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Denne utredningen tar for seg konsekvensene for naturmangfoldet ved anlegg av en slqrtebane på Lahaug i Skedsmo kommune. Konsekvensutredningen er metodisk basert på offentlige veiledere. Planområdet ligger på østsiden av Skjetnemarka og er på 119 daa. Tiltaket består i hovedsak av å sprenge en skytebane ned i en markert kolle i terrenget samt etablere en høy støyvoll omkring base1t på tilkjø1te masser. Feltkartleggingen ble gjennomført i oktober og november 2017, men avgrensning av naturtyper samt verdisetting baserer seg også på eksisterende artsinformasjon. Samlet verdi ble vurde1t til "Stor verdi". Samlet omfange ble vurdert til "Stort omfang". Samlet konsekvens av etablering av slq,tebane på Lahaug vurderes som "Stor verdi" til "Meget stor negativ".

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Aim Root growth strategies may be critical for seeding survival and establishment under dry conditions, but these strategies and their plasticity are little known. We aim to document the ability of young grass seedlings to adjust their root system architecture, root morphology and biomass allocation to roots to promote water uptake and survival under progressive drought. Methods Seedlings growing in columns filled with sand and exposed to drought or well-watered controls were repeatedly harvested for determination of biomass fractions, root length, −architecture and -morphology in a greenhouse experiment. Allometric scaling exponents and standardised major axis regression were used to investigate allocation patterns. Results Young seedlings were able to sustain leaf turgor and functions during eight weeks of progressive drought through phenotypic plasticity of the primary root system producing deeper and simpler roots. Biomass allocation to roots decreased or did not respond, and other components of root morphology showed only moderate plasticity. Conclusion Our results suggest that morphological and architectural plasticity of the primary root system may well be key features for dehydration avoidance and survival in grass seedlings under moderate drought when allocation of biomass to roots and development of secondary roots are constrained.