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The need for effecient use of phosphorus in food production has been repeatedly emphasized. The argumentation is often connected to eutrophication problems caused by long term soil P accumulation.


 Winter injury of temperate grasses used for turf is a significant problem in northern climatic regions. Field trials at two locations in Norway previously demonstrated differences in winter survival between two Agrostis species, velvet bentgrass (Agrostis canina L.) and creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stoloniferaL.). The freezing tolerance is an important component of winter hardiness of turfgrasses and it was studied under controlled environments. We also determined the crown carbohydrate and protein changes at different stages of cold acclimation of velvet bentgrass and creeping bentgrass and assessed their relationship to freezing tolerance. Similar freezing tolerance in velvet bentgrass and creeping bentgrass was associated with similar levels of sucrose in crown tissue of acclimated plants. Significantly higher crown fructan content in creeping bentgrass than in velvet bentgrass had no significantimpact on LT50 and suggested negligible direct contribution of fructans to freezing tolerance. Increased freezing tolerance in response to cold acclimation was associated with enhanced amino acid synthesis, since serine hydroxymethyltrasfernse and methionine synthase were up-regulated by acclimation. The first acclimation stage caused more changes in the crown protein composition than subzero cclimation.