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I det faste arbeidet i de russiske zapovednikene (statlige naturreservater) brukes det et felles registreringssystem som kalles ”letopis prirodi” – naturens årbøker. En del av dette systemet består av fenologiske registreringer. Flere av de russiske naturreservatene ble opprettet på midten av 1900 tallet eller tidligere. Tre av de fire verneområdene på Kolahalvøya er mer enn 70 år. De fenologiske registreringene utgjør derved lange tidsserier.


At present the development of a modern life-stile in the Barents region has become not only a medical, but a social and economic problem as well. To prevent organism from unfavorable factors of the North and life-stile diseases much attention is paid now to the application of adaptogenic plants. "Herbs in the Barents region - a natural resource that improves health and creates business" is a title of the joint project of Norwegian, Finnish and Russian scientists on the adaptogenic plants. The project main goal is to create job opportunities in the Barents region based on the natural resources of adaptogenic herbs. This shall be done by the development of cultivation techniques for the adaptogenic pants Rhodiola rosea, Rhaponticum carthamolides and Serratula coronata. The industry will develop new herb products that will improve health conditions in the region. In order to promote adaptogenic products made from local plant raw material we have investigated the effect of the climate and geographical location on the level of active substances. Gene banks of plant species studied are established in all countries-participants. Experiments conducted in phytotrone showed that all three plant species like long days (northern conditions) and the levels of adaptogen"s substances are highest at the low and intermediate temperatures. Cultivation techniques are developed. To ensure the best quality of the raw material the methods of harvesting, drying and storing of plants are optimized.  New methods for extraction from fresh raw material of R. rosea are developed. Fields at growers are established. The project was financing by Interreg IIIA, Norwegian Barents Secretary and agricultural offices of the counties Troms and Finnmark.

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Pasvikdalen i Sør-Varanger kommune har en av de tetteste brunbjørnbestandene (Ursus arctos) i Norge, med jevnlig observasjoner av binner med avkom. Ved å kombinere feltobservasjoner og genetiske data fra perioden 2004-2008 har vi i denne studien analysert kjente binners områdebruk og identifisert mulige avkom. Ni binner ble inkludert i studiet, der det for 7 av dem ble gjort analyser av deres områdebruk basert på multiple funn av hår og ekskrementprøver gjennom flere år. Analysen av områdebruken i perioden 2005-2008 viste at det var flere binneområder i kommunen, med en fortetting sørover i Pasvikdalen. I sør var det stor grad av overlapping mellom binneområdene. Gjennomsnittsarealet for områdebruk for alle binnene var 156 km2, mens gjennomsnitt for de fire binnene med flest DNA prøver var 245 km2. Den genetiske analysen med 10 mikrosatellittmarkører bekreftet mulig yngling for 5 binner, mens den avviste slektskap mellom mor og foreslåtte unger i et tilfelle. Vi beregnet at der var sannsynlighetsovervekt (LR, Likelihood ratio) for slektskap for alle de 5 familiegruppene. LR beregningene viste også at dersom slektskapsanalyser skal baseres på DNA profiler alene bør det brukes en 2-3 flere genetiske markører for å oppnå høye sannsynlighetstall. Slektskapsanalyser kombinert med feltobservasjoner ga likevel sterke indikasjoner for at binnene har hatt fra 1-4 kull hver, hvorav en binne (FI7) hadde dokumenterte kull med to års mellomrom og en (FI4) med tre års mellomrom. Resultatene våre tyder på at det kan ha vært minst 6 kull i perioden 2004-2008 (≥1,2 ynglinger pr. år). Syv av 19 avkom (37 %) er bekreftet død i perioden. Binne FI8 er ikke registrert siden 2004 og binne FI7 er dokumentert skutt i 2009, slik at det i dag er tre kjente binner som potensielt bidrar til reproduksjonen i Sør-Varanger.



Omhandler entusiasten Piotr Zaborchikov sine private restaureringsarbeider knyttet til gamle trebygninger i landbyen Varzuga i Terskij kommune, Murmansk fylke i Russland på sørsiden av Kolahalvøya, en pomorlandsby ved Kvitsjøens kyster. På engelsk og russisk.


Oil transport from the Russian Arctic. Is the Barents Sea environment at risk? The volumes of oil being transported by sea from the Russian Arctic along the coast of Northern Norway were insignificant before 2002. In 2006, however, a total of 10 million tons of Russian export oil and oil products were shipped from Russia, on ships that sailed along the coast of Norway. The annual oil exports from the Russian Arctic regions via this Northern route may reach a total of about 50-80 million tons in the next decade. About 50 million tons of crude oil and oil products are estimated to be delivered by railway to the Murmansk ports in the Barents Sea, and to Kandalaksha and Arkhangelsk in the White Sea. Furthermore, up to 20 million tons of oil will be produced in the northern oil fields in the Nenets Autonomous Region and in the Pechora Sea. The terminals in the Kara Sea, can load 2-3 million tons of crude a year. The Barents Sea is one of the most productive oceans worldwide. Few other places on our planet give home to the same amount of breeding seabirds. Here, more than 20 million seabirds from 40 species breed in 1.600 colonies every year. Many of the seabird populations are of mixed Russian-Norwegian origin. In case of an oil spill, the actual amount of oil spilled is not necessarily decisive for the effects on sea bird colonies. The Stylis had a relatively small spill " but 45.000 seabirds were killed. The estimated mortality of the accident was, however, 200.000-300.000 birds. The Amoco Cadiz spilled 223.000 tons of crude oil, but killed 5.000 seabirds. Methods for evaluation of effects on and treatment of birds that have been involved in an oil spill do exist. After the Prestige accident outside Spain, 23.428 seabirds were collected. 5.776 survived. About 1.000 seabirds were released back to nature at a cost of approximately NOK 23.000 (USD 4.100 or EUR 3.000) per bird. The increased development of offshore petroleum fields and increasing sea transport of hydrocarbon products are bound to have a negative effect on the environment. Oil and gas industry developments in the Barents Sea, fisheries, pollution and climate change are the most important treats to the environment in our time. When carrying out impact assessments of activities connected to petroleum activities in this area, one of these factors cannot be evaluated separately, without taking all the other risks into account.