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The trans-border brown bear population of Pasvik-Inari-Pechenga (Norway-Finland-Russia) has been monitored using genetic analyses of feces collection since 2005. In addition in 2007, hair traps were systematically placed out in the area to collect hairs for genetic analysis, to more precisely determine the minimum numbers of bears. In 2011, we repeated this hair trap study, using the exact same methodology as in 2007, to make a direct comparison of the results from the two years. Brown bear DNA was detected in 68 of 88 hair samples (77%) obtained from hair traps in 2011 and for 56 of these samples, a complete DNA profile could be determined. We identified 20 different bears in 2011, 12 females and 8 males. Only one bear was found in more than one country (Norway and Russia). We detected 11 bears in Norway, 7 bears in Finland and 3 bears in Russia in 2011. Four of these 20 bears were previously unknown, all four from Finland. A comparison of the results from 2007 and 2011 showed that we detected fewer bears in hair traps in 2011 (20 bears) than in 2007 (24 bears), but this modest difference may be coincidental. However, we observed a large drop in the yield of hair samples in the traps in 2011 compared to 2007 (88 versus 196 samples). This observation may be suggestive of some reduced activity of bears within the study area in 2011. In addition, only five (21%) of the bears caught in hair traps in 2007 were recaptured in 2011, which indicates a substantial turnover of individuals and may indicate that more frequent hair trapping monitoring would be beneficial to reliably track changes in the population. Additional samples (mainly scats) collected opportunistically in the field within the Russian and Finnish parts of the study area in 2011 detected four male bears in the Finnish part that had not been detected by hair traps. No additional samples from Norway were included to this study and any comparisons between the hair-trapping and opportunistic sampling at this point remains difficult. However, the results indicate that both methods combined are currently the most feasible methods to monitor brown bear numbers in an area.

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Rapporten beskriver DNA-analysen av 1224 prøver (899 ekskrementprøver, 314 hårprøver og 10 vevsprøver og 1 blodprøve) fra brunbjørn (Ursus arctos) samla inn i Norge i 2010 gjennom det nasjonale overvåkningsprogrammet for rovvilt. Året 2010 er det andre året på rad hvor en landsdekkende innsamling blir gjennomført. Prøvene ble DNA-analysert med 8 ulike STR-markører og en kjønnsspesifikk test. Av de 1224 prøvene var 831 (68 %) prøver positive for brunbjørn, noe som er en økning i forhold til 2009 (63 %). Fra disse prøvene ble det identifisert 166 individer av brunbjørn (53 hunnbjørn og 113 hannbjørn), der 106 individer (64 %) var tidligere påvist i Norge. Resultatene våre viser at antallet bjørn (166) og kjønnsfordelingen (32 % hunner) er omtrent det samme som 2009 (164 individer og 30 % hunner). Det ble som tidligere påvist flest bjørn i fylkene Hedmark, Nord-Trøndelag, Troms og Finnmark. Prosentandelen gjenfunn varierte i de ulike fylkene og i forhold til 2009, med en høy andel gjenfunn i Nord-Trøndelag og Troms (ca. 70 %), mens Finnmark hadde en relativt lav andel gjenfunn i 2010 (53 %). Nytt av året 2010 er at det også er påvist en hunnbjørn i hvert av fylkene Nordland og Sør-Trøndelag, og at det ble påvist en hannbjørn i hvert av fylkene Akershus og Sogn og Fjordane. Basert på antallet hunnbjørn (n=53) har vi også estimert antallet ynglinger i Norge i 2010 til å ha vært 6,2. I tillegg viste utvida DNA-analyser at mitokondrie- DNA fra en annen art kunne påvises i ca. halvparten av de brunbjørn-negative ekskrement prøvene. DNA, brunbjørn, Ursus arctos, STR, mtDNA, overvåking, Norge, DNA, brown bear, Ursus arctos, STR, mtDNA, monitoring, Norway


In 2004, WWF, the international conservation organization opened an office in Murmansk, and the Barents Ecoregion Program was officially re-launched. The funding for the program comes from mainly two sources, WWF UK and WWF-Norway, granted from the Norwegian Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This report aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Barents program The methodology is mainly based on interviews with cooperating institutions in Murmansk and staff from WWF in Murmansk and Oslo. The WWF conservation strategy for the Barents Sea has been reviewed, together with the yearly reports from the program. Comments from donors are to some extent included. The main conclusion from the interviews and review confirms the author"s impression that WWF has a strong position and contribute considerably to the overall conservation in the Barents region.WWF has regular meetings with the governor environmental administration, deliver documentation to different conservation processes and appear in the media as a critical voice when necessary and a supporter when good decisions are made.


Presentasjon av hvordan fugleturisme kan fungere i Båtsfjord havn og på Hornøya i mars måned.