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Animal welfare monitoring relies on sensor accuracy for detecting changes in animal well-being. We compared the distance calculations based on global positioning system (GPS) data alone or combined with motion data from triaxial accelerometers. The assessment involved static trackers placed outdoors or indoors vs. trackers mounted on cows grazing on pasture. Trackers communicated motion data at 1 min intervals and GPS positions at 15 min intervals for seven days. Daily distance walked was determined using the following: (1) raw GPS data (RawDist), (2) data with erroneous GPS locations removed (CorrectedDist), or (3) data with erroneous GPS locations removed, combined with the exclusion of GPS data associated with no motion reading (CorrectedDist_Act). Distances were analyzed via one-way ANOVA to compare the effects of tracker placement (Indoor, Outdoor, or Animal). No difference was detected between the tracker placement for RawDist. The computation of CorrectedDist differed between the tracker placements. However, due to the random error of GPS measurements, CorrectedDist for Indoor static trackers differed from zero. The walking distance calculated by CorrectedDist_Act differed between the tracker placements, with distances for static trackers not differing from zero. The fusion of GPS and accelerometer data better detected animal welfare implications related to immobility in grazing cattle.


Comprehensive livestock tracking and behavioral characterization in extensive systems is technically challenging and expensive. Some technologies and data strategies based around proximity information may be more affordable. This paper brings together experiences from two major PLF projects involving cattle in extensive U.S. rangelands and sheep in extensive UK mountains and considers proximity technology for two resources, water in dry rangelands, and supplementary feed in pregnancy, respectively. Opportunities to characterize useful livestock variables include presence/absence, diurnal patterns, use of resources and changing use patterns. Results covering supplementary feed, used fixed Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) readers arrayed around feeding points, 48 Blackface and 50 Lleyn ewes on 33ha of grazing that wore small (c14 g) BLE beacons. Beacons on ewes communicated identity and RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) via receiving readers, pushing data in near-real time via LPWAN to an ArCGIS Online database. Differences in proximity at feeding areas were found for breed and age and patterns of activity over 24-hour periods, supporting the view that BLE technology covering only proportions of grazing areas could be useful for management purposes. For water access in arid rangelands, 11 cows in a 480ha paddock wore NoFence virtual fencing collars with GNSS real-time tracking using cellphone communications. Daily patterns of proximity to the only water source derived from GNSS data support the view that useful information could be provided by BLE proximity systems at lower cost than GNSS collars. Proximity approaches alone provides less information than GNSS systems.


Virtual fencing (VF) is an alternative method to control livestock dispersal. This method consists of the use of animal wearable collars that employ auditory-electric pulse cues to deter animals from exiting their predefined containment zones. The study aimed to document skin defense (SkinM) and association learning mechanism (AssocM) in describing the conditioning behavior of the VF application. Nursing Brangus cows at the New Mexico State University’s Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center were allotted three days of free access to feeding areas (0.19ha) with VF-deactivated (VF-Off) or VF-Activated (VF-On) collars restricting one-third of the penned area. This training sequence was repeated twice (6-day/Period) with two replications (n=11 and 17cows). The VF collars communicated real-time animal positions at 15-minute intervals. ANOVA was used to compare daily-derived variables per cattle on the percentage of time spent within the containment and restricted zones (SkinM) and the number of auditory and electric pulses emitted during the VF-On configurations (AssocM). The VF-On treatment increased the percentage of time collared animals spent within the containment zone (98.4 vs.72.0 ±1.0 %Time;P<0.01) and reduced the percentage of time within the restricted zone (1.6 vs.28.0 ±1.0 %Time;P<0.01) compared to the VF-Off treatment. Exposure to VF-On in Period 1 triggered a greater frequency of auditory (1.8 vs.0.6 ±0.4;P<0.01) and electrical pulses (0.7 vs.0.2 ±0.2;P<0.01) than in Period 2. Results indicate that groups of cows learn rapidly to respond to VF boundaries by reducing the time spent within the restricted areas (SkinM) and relying increasingly on auditory cues to alter behavior (AssocM).

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Naturtypen artsrik slåttemark er sterkt trua ifølge Norsk rødliste for naturtyper, og ble i 2011 utvalgt naturtype (UN) med en viss beskyttelse gjennom lov om Naturmangfold. På oppdrag for Statsforvalteren i Troms og Finnmark fikk NIBIO v/Ellen Elverland, i 2021 i oppdrag å utforme skjøtselsplanen for den ca. 12 daa store slåttemarka i Laukvika i Karlsøy kommune. Slåtteenga har verdi B. Utarbeiding av skjøtselsplanen har bestått i besøk på lokaliteten, samtaler med grunneier, befaring av området og naturkartlegging utført av Hilde Riksheim Tandstad i Sállir Natur AS. Skjøtselsplanen er utarbeid i samarbeid med Tone Kanestrøm og Per-Ludvig Kanestrøm.


Sandjord har lite kationebytekapasitet og lite lagerkapasitet for næringsstoff som kalium. Kalium er mellom anna viktig i innvintringa, og ei ekstra kalium-gjødsling om hausten kan derfor i teorien hjelpe enga å klare seg gjennom vinteren. Dersom me gjødsla med 6 kg ekstra kalium ut over gjødselplan, anten før eller etter sisteslått, fekk me ikkje sikker meiravling i førsteslåtten til 13 feltforsøk på sandjord med låg syreløyseleg kalium. Me har ikkje funne effekt av kaliumgjødsel til eng på sandjord seint i sesongen. Årsaka til dette resultatet botnar truleg i at kaliumforsyninga til engvekstane har vore tilstrekkeleg med gjødsling etter gjødselplanen.