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Renewable energy in the form of biogas can be produced by anaerobic digestion (AD) of animal manure. However, there is still a lack of knowledge on the long-term effects of AD-treated manure on soil characteristics and crop productivity, compared with untreated manure. A field experiment was established in a perennial grass-clover ley in 2011 to study the effects on important soil and crop characteristics when the slurry from a herd of organically managed dairy cows is anaerobically digested. While the rate of manure application affected soil concentrations of extractable nutrients and pH, these variables were unaffected by AD. Soil organic matter (SOM) concentrations decreased in all plots and faster on the plots with high intrinsic SOM. The decrease was similar with application of untreated (non-digested) slurry (US) and anaerobically digested slurry (ADS), and it was not affected by application rates. The general decline may be explained by the initial high SOM content, the long-term effect of drainage, and higher temperatures with climatic change. US and ADS gave similar yields of grass-clover ley (2 cuts/year) and green fodder, on average 0.79 and 0.40 kg DM m−2, respectively. Clover yield was similar in manured treatments and the non-fertilized control. With respect to crop yields and chemical soil characteristics, long-term (10 years) effects of AD in an organic dairy cow farming system seem to be minor. The benefits of extracting energy from the slurry did not compromise grassland productivity or soil quality in the long term.


Intensification and specialization of farming systems in Europe and elsewhere has resulted in poor crop rotations, with low plant and animal diversity. This has resulted in more uniform landscapes, soil carbon loss and low efficiency in nutrient cycling, particularly in regions dominated by annual crops. Inclusion of ley in crop rotations is expected to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, nitrogen availability and improve soil physical properties. The effect of ley-arable rotations versus continuous annual cropping on soil quality, soil organic carbon and soil biology was assessed by summarizing and discussing results from publications from long-term experiments in Norway and Sweden. These studies support the hypotheses that the inclusion of leys in crop rotations promotes soil fertility and carbon sequestration in Northern Europe, supplies nutrients to subsequent crops and improves soil physical properties. However, one or two years of ley in rotations may not be enough for maintaining SOC and good soil structure over time. For keeping the relatively high SOC concentrations occurring at many sites in Northern Europe, the proportion of ley in rotation should be at least 50%.


In Norway, Fusarium diseases and associated mycotoxin contamination in spring oats occasionally cause problems for growers, livestock producers and the food and feed industries. Besides weather factors, such as rainfall and temperature in the critical periods around flowering and before harvest, inoculum production and disease development are influenced by agricultural practices. The occurrence of Fusarium graminearum and DON in oat grain lots do not generally correlate with that of Fusarium langsethiae and HT-2/T-2-toxins. Therefore, to develop a robust disease management strategy, there is a need to reveal the influence of weather and agricultural practice on disease development in oats for both these fungal species. Through various research projects NIBIO researchers have performed field trials to study the effects of straw management, tillage practice, cultivar, and chemical and biological control treatments on the development of Fusarium spp. and mycotoxins in oats. In particular we have investigated whether the amount of straw residues and tillage practice influences the survival of Fusarium spp. in residues, and the subsequent Fusarium spp. infection of the harvested grains. In addition, Fusarium spp. DNA and mycotoxin content (DON and HT-2/T-2) have been analysed in oats from current official cultivar trials. This work has been a collaboration between NIBIO and the Norwegian Agricultural Extension Service. Results will be presented on the Fusarium spp. and mycotoxin contamination of grains harvested from oats grown under various agricultural practices. High incidence of Fusarium avenaceum are often observed in harvested grains as well as straw residues. Fusarium graminearum is also commonly detected. Despite the high concentrations of F. langsethiae DNA and HT-2/T-2 toxins sometimes recorded in oat grain, only low levels of F. langsethiae have been detected in crop residues and air samples. We speculate that the life cycle of F. langsethiae differs from those of F. graminearum and F. avenaceum with regards to survival, inoculum production and dispersal.


Det norske landbasert matsystemet kan defineres som et system bestående av produksjon, foredling, transport og konsumpsjon av jordbruksprodukt. I denne rapporten presenteres resultatene av en SWOT-analyse med hensyn til norsk matsikkerhet av produksjonsdelen av matsystemet. Formålet med SWOT-analysen var å 1) avdekke de viktigste komponenter for å sikre bærekraft for norsk selvforsyning og hvilke trekk i matsystemet som kan svekke denne bærekraften, og 2) drøfte effekten av forventet politikkutvikling på disse komponentene, og klargjøre hvordan dette påvirkere selvforsyningen, dvs. evaluere selvforsyningens robusthet.