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Mineral NPK fertilizer and manure have been compared since 1922 in a ley–arable rotation. During 1982–2003, cattle manure at 20–60 Mg ha−1 year−1 yielded 10–20 % less than mineral fertilizer at 100 kg N:25 kg P:120 kg K ha−1 year−1. The higher manure rates gave large nutrient surpluses. Both manure and mineral fertilizer had increased soil organic carbon (SOC), by 11.3 and 3.4 Mg ha−1 in 1996. In order to study possible residual effects, no manure was applied in 2004–2007 and mineral fertilizer was withheld from some NPK plots. Effects on yield and nutrient uptake were evaluated in relation to plots with no nutrient supply since 1922 and plots still receiving 100 kg N, 25 kg P and 120 kg K ha−1 annually. No residual response of mineral fertilizer was found, but previous manure use gave large effects. The latter yields remained around 85 % of those obtained with mineral fertilizer. Previous use of both mineral fertilizer and manure still increased available soil nutrients and pH in 2007. Differences between treatments in SOC had by then declined slightly, to 9.7 and 2.8 Mg ha−1 for manure and mineral fertilizer respectively, relative to the unfertilized control. Manure and fertilizer applications were resumed in 2008, except at the highest previous manure rate, where mean residual responses up to 2014, relative to the unfertilized control, amounted to 55 % higher yield and increases in nutrient uptake of 47 kg N, 8 kg P and 53 kg K ha−1.