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In cold-temperate climate with high soil water content in spring, the farmer often faces the choice between topsoil compaction during seedbed preparation and delayed sowing, both of which may reduce attainable cereal yield. The objective of this study was to explore whether future climate change with increasing precipitation would aggravate this dilemma. We generated weather based on historical and projected future climate in Southeastern and Central Norway. Using this weather data as input, we simulated spring workability, attainable yield, timeliness costs, and mechanization management with a workability model and a mechanization model. The projected climate changes resulted in improved workability for spring fieldwork and higher attainable yield in South-eastern Norway, and either positive or negative changes in Central Norway compared to historical conditions. We observed a general increase in variability of workability and attainable yield, and a larger risk of extremely unfavourable years in the most unfavourable scenarios in Central Norway. Changes in profitability and mechanization management were small, but followed the same pattern. The negative effects in the most unfavourable climate scenarios in Central Norway were in contrast to positive effects in earlier studies. We explained discrepancies by differences in research methods and purpose. However, simulated sowing dates of annual crops should consider workability of the soil, in terms of water content. Under worst-case conditions, in need of a certain time window to complete their spring fieldwork, farmers might adapt to impaired spring workability by working the soil at higher water content than simulated in our study. The consequence would be a larger loss of attainable yield and less profitability in the future. We anticipate that negative effects may also be expected in other northern cold-temperate regions with high soil water content in spring.

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Tree species change has been suggested as one of the government policies to mitigate climate change in Nor-way with the aim to increase the annual uptake of CO2 and the long-term storage of carbon (C) in forests. The strategy includes replacing native, deciduous species with fast-growing species, mainly Norway spruce. A shift in tree species is expected to affect the pools and fluxes of C in the stand as well as the microbial community. As part of the BalanC project, we assess C storage related to shift in tree species cover in western Norway and whether a corresponding shift in soil microbial communities are happening. The study aim at integrating results on soil respiration, C mineralization, soil stability, diversity of bacteria, fungi and micro-eukaryotes, soil nutrient pools, litter inputs and edaphic factors at the stand level in order to identify key drivers for changes in the soil C stocks. Fifteen paired plots of native birch and planted Norway spruce at five locations were sampled. Prelimi-nary results suggests a redistribution of C from the mineral soil to the forest floor in the spruce stands, with minor changes in the total soil C pools over the 45-60 years since the tree species change. The in situ soil respi-ration and heterothropic respiration, as well as C mineralization rates, were higher in birch than in spruce stands. Differences in C mineralization rates attenuate with depth between forest types. The microbial com-munities of the three organismal groups were all strongly structured along the vertical depth.


NIBIO utfører kartlegging av jordsmonn på oppdrag fra Landbruks- og matdepartementet. Kartleggingen inngår i et langsiktig nasjonalt program som tar sikte på å dekke alt fulldyrka og overflatedyrka areal. Per 2017 er om lag 60 prosent av Norges jordbruksareal jordsmonnkartlagt. Formålet med jordsmonnkartlegging er å utarbeide stedfestet dokumentasjon av jordas egenskaper som skal gi grunnlag for kunnskapsbaserte beslutninger innen agronomi og arealplanlegging. Jordsmonnskartlegging er også viktig for risikovurderinger knyttet til eventuelle miljøbelastninger innen landbruket.......



Denne rapporten presenterer en jordsmonnstatistikk for dyrka mark i Sogn og Fjordane. Jordsmonndata fra jordsmonnkartleggingen i fylket ligger til grunn for statistikken. Kartleggingen er utført i henhold til standard retningslinjer. Grunnlaget for denne statistikken er en utvalgskartlegging. Utvalgskartleggingen er gjort på 0,9 km2 store flater i et forhåndsdefinert 9x9 km rutenett. Statistikken for Sogn og Fjordane er derfor et estimat. Arealfordelingen av mange ulike tema er vist (både i dekar og i prosent). Temaene omfatter ulike egenskaper ved jordsmonnet: jordkvalitet, jordressurs, driftstekniske begrensinger for jordbruksproduksjon, dreneringsforhold, årsak til dårlig drenering, potensiell tørkeutsatthet og ulike begrensende egenskaper ved arealet/jorda (dybde til fast fjell, innhold av grovt materiale, organisk materiale, leirinnhold, karbonatinnhold, planering / påkjørt jord, helling). Nedenfor oppsummeres statistikken for jorda i Sogn og Fjordane. Statistikken presenterer tall for dyrka mark for hele fylket.........

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Quackgrass is a problematic agricultural weed in the temperate zones of the world and is difficult to control without herbicides or intensive tillage. However, it may be possible to control quackgrass with less environmental impact by combining multiple low-intensity control methods. A pot experiment was conducted in July to October 2012 and repeated in June to September 2013 to investigate the effect of rhizome fragmentation, competition from white clover, shoot-cutting frequency, and cutting height on quackgrass. Rhizome fragmentation was expected to result in more, but weaker, quackgrass shoots that would be more vulnerable to shoot cutting and competition. However, by 20 d past planting, rhizome fragmentation did not change the total number of quackgrass shoots per pot, because an increase in main shoots was offset by a decrease in tiller numbers. Rhizome fragmentation did not reduce quackgrass biomass acquisition during the experimental period. Although rhizome fragmentation did reduce total fructan content, it did not enhance the effect of clover competition, shoot-cutting frequency, or shoot-cutting height. Clover competition by itself reduced quackgrass shoot numbers by 72%, rhizome biomass by 81%, and belowground fructan concentration by 10 percentage points, compared with no competition. The more frequently quackgrass shoots were cut, the less biomass quackgrass acquired, and a high shoot-cutting frequency (each time quackgrass reached 2 leaves) resulted in a lower belowground fructan concentration than a low shoot-cutting frequency (at 8 leaves). However, in pots without competition, a higher shoot-cutting frequency resulted in more quackgrass shoots. A lower shoot-cutting height (25 mm) had more impact when shoot cutting was more frequent. In conclusion, rhizome fragmentation did not reduce the number of quackgrass shoots or rhizome biomass, but competition from white clover, a high shoot-cutting frequency, and a low shoot-cutting height strongly suppressed quackgrass biomass and fructan acquisition.