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Rapsglansbille er det viktigste skadedyret i oljevekster i Norge, og den vanligste bekjempelsesmetoden har i lang tid har vært sprøyting med pyretroider. De seneste årene har det kommet inn rapporter om dårlig virkning av behandlingene. Sommeren 2007 ble det gjennomført en kartlegging i Sør-Norge for å undersøke om rapsglansbillene har blitt resistente mot pyretroider.


Temaer: Hva er plantevernmiddelresistens? Hva vet vi om resistente insekter i Norske veksthus? Klassifisering av kjemiske midler. Strategier for å motvirke resistens.

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Lack of automatic weed detection tools has hampered the adoption of site-specific weed control in cereals. An initial object-oriented algorithm for the automatic detection of broad-leaved weeds in cereals developed by SINTEF ICT (Oslo, Norway) was evaluated. The algorithm ("WeedFinder") estimates total density and cover of broad-leaved weed seedlings in cereal fields from near-ground red-green-blue images. The ability of "WeedFinder" to predict 'spray'/'no spray' decisions according to a previously suggested spray decision model for spring cereals was tested with images from two wheat fields sown with the normal row spacing of the region, 0.125 m. Applying the decision model as a simple look-up table, "WeedFinder" gave correct spray decisions in 65-85% of the test images. With discriminant analysis, corresponding mean rates were 84-90%. Future versions of "WeedFinder" must be more accurate and accommodate weed species recognition.

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A possible cost-effective real-time patch spraying implementation against seed-propagated broad-leaved weeds in cereals is a camera mounted in front of the tractor taking images at feasible distances in the direction of travel, on-board image analysis software and entire boom switched on and off. To assess this implementation, manual weed counts (0.25 m(2) quadrats) in a 1.5 m x 2 m grid, were used to simulate camera outputs. Each quadrat was classified into 'spray' and 'not spray' decisions based on a threshold model, and the resulting map defined the 'ground truth'. Subsequently, 'on/off' spraying at larger control areas where sizes were given by the boom width and image distance, and spraying decision controlled by weed status at the single quadrat simulating the camera's view, were simulated. These coarser maps were compared with 'ground truth', to estimate mapping error (area above threshold not sprayed), spraying error (area below threshold sprayed), total error (sum of mapping and spraying error) and the herbicide reduction. Three levels of the threshold model were tested. Results were used to fit models that predict errors from boom width and image distance. Size of control area did not on average affect the magnitude of the simulated herbicide reductions, but the bigger the control area the higher the risk that the simulated herbicide reduction deviate from the reduction in 'ground truth'. Mean simulated herbicide reductions were 42-59%, depending on threshold level. Only minor differences due to threshold level were seen for mean mapping and spraying errors at given spraying resolutions. Using original threshold level and image distance 2 m, predicted total errors for boom widths 2 m, 6 m, 20 m and 40 m would be 6%, 10%, 16% and 17%, respectively. Results indicate that control area should not exceed about 10 m 2 if acceptable total error is maximum 10%.


Gjennomgang av skadedyrmiddel-situasjonen for norske bærdyrkere. Nærmere om norske forsøk med kjemisk og alternativ bekjempelse av fem utvalgte skadedyr de siste årene (bringebærbille, jordbærsnutebille, bringebærbladmidd, stikkelbærbladveps, veksthusspinnmidd)


Om biologi og tiltak mot midd i konvensjonell bringebærproduksjon på friland og i tunnel


Artikkelen gir en oversikt over hvilke arter som kan være aktuelle i norske bærvekster, og en oversikt over biologi og bekjempelse av bladveps i bær.