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This paper presents the results of an evaluation of the effects of hydrology onnutrient and soil loss in catchments located in Norway, Estonia and Latvia.


A presentation of JOVA, the Agricultural Environmental Monitoring Programme in Norway which monitors and assesses nutrient - and soil loss from small agricultural dominated catchments. One of the major objectives is to document the effect of different agricultural production systems and site - specific characteristics on erosion and nutrient losses to surface waters and to advice local and central policymakers about agricultural production systems and their environmental effects. The programme has been in operation since 1992 in 9 catchments, varying in size from 1- 20 km2, representing different agricultural practices, climatological, topographical and geo-hydrological conditions. The core of the monitoring activities consists of discharge measurement and water sampling, providing data for nutrient load calculation


The Skuterud catchment is a small artificially drained agricultural catchment, located in south eastern Norway. The total area of the catchment is 4.5 km2 of which agriculture covers 2.7 km2, forest 1.3 km2 while the rest is occupied by urban area. The main agricultural crops are wheat, barley and oat. The climate is cold temperate continental or subarctic with a winter season, lasting from November -March and characterized by periods with below-zero temperatures and a varying degree of snow cover, interchanged with thaw periods combined with precipitation and runoff. In Norway, melt water, causing surface runoff, is one of the most serious reasons for erosion, in addition to near-saturated soil moisture conditions after longer periods with rainfall during the autumn. Climate change can potentially lead to an increase in the number of freeze/thaw cycles which in addition to the predicted increase in precipitation during the period after the growing season from September - April, might lead to an increase in both the amount of runoff and its intensity, with subsequent adverse effects on erosion and nutrient loss. Models are indispensable tools in the prediction of climate change effects on runoff generation. In this respect, the Drainmod model has been tested on the Skuterud catchment concerning its ability to predict runoff from an artificially drained agricultural catchment under prevailing winter conditions. The results are presented in this paper. If proven successful, the model can be used to predict the long term hydrologic impacts of climate change for the Norwegian conditions


It is well known that farming practices, soil type, topography and climatological conditions are important factors in nutrient loss generation from agricultural dominated catchment. Also catchment scale might play an important role in nutrient loss processes. Artificial drainage of agricultural land can lead to an increase in nutrient loss, however, its magnitude is very much influenced by the soil type and drainage system. An analysis has been carried out on measured runoff in catchment of varying size in Latvia, Estonia and Norway, the results of which were presented at the NHC


It is well known that farming practices, soil type, topography and climatological conditions are important factors in nutrient loss generation from agricultural dominated catchment. Catchments having a large contribution of groundwater runoff in the total runoff, in general had lower nitrogen losses. Other studies have shown that longer residence times in the Baltic catchments partly could explain the lower nitrogen loss compared to Norwegian catchments. Also catchment scale might play an important role in nutrient loss processes. Artificial drainage of agricultural land can lead to an increase in nitrate-nitrogen runoff.


Foredrag på "Conference on Modelling Hydrology, Climate and Land Surface Processes", Lillehammer, 14 - 16 September 2010, organisert av Norsk Hydrologiråd. Foredraget til JD et al hadde som tittel " Time resolution in discharge , hydrological response and catchment characteristics" og viste frram effekter av tidsoppløsning og nedbørsfeltstørrelse på hydrologiske karakteristikker.


En presentasjon om matprodukson uner forhold med knappe vannressurser for Bioforsk ansatte. Som en del av "Faglig Forum" opplegget. Temaer som ble behandlet/presentert - hvor mye vann trenges for å dyrke fram matr, klær- hvor mye vann trenges det til vår daglige kosthold- matbehov og økning i verdensbefolkning- forskjellige vanningsmetoder- crossboundary river og knappe vannressurser, et eksemple fra Nilen- bevistgjøring viktig  


Climate change and Water Resources Management -International perspectives. The presentation gave an overview of data collection systems in use in Norway and their potentail benegfits for climate change studies.