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Divisjon for bioteknologi og plantehelse


Credit: Simeon Rossmann, NIBIO Foto:
Aktiv SIST OPPDATERT: 22.01.2025
Slutt: des 2027
Start: mars 2023

Cropdrive aims to identify a selection of cover crops suitable for use in root vegetable and potato production with beneficial impacts on both soil and plant health, and greenhouse gas exchange.

Status Pågående
Start- og sluttdato 01.03.2023 - 31.12.2027
Prosjektleder Ivo Havranek
Divisjon Divisjon for bioteknologi og plantehelse
Avdeling Pesticider og naturstoffkjemi
Finansieringskilde Research Council of Norway

We will test a number of cover crops and measure trends in the occurrence of primary and secondary metabolites, e.g., amino acids, organic acids and phenols in the root zone. We will evaluate how these metabolites affect the growth and quality of potatoes and carrots.

Further validation of the proposed cover crops will be done under field conditions in experimental fields and with selected growers, with measurements of selected parameters for good soil health, -structure and -physical conditions, greenhouse gas exchange, occurrence of soilborne plant pests and effects on crop quality in the field and during storage.

The output from Cropdrive will provide documented recommendations on the choice of cover crops and necessary adaptations of cropping practices to ensure successful use in root vegetable and potato production.

The project will be a collaboration between research institutes, value chain partners (agricultural advisers, farmers associations, industry partners), administrative bodies in agriculture and food safety, and international scientific experts.