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The bark anatomy of Norway spruce clones that were resistant or susceptible to Ceratocystis polonica, a bark beetle vectored fungal pathogen, was compared. The major difference concerned the axial parenchyma cells, called polyphenolic parenchyma (PP cells) because of their vacuolar deposits. The phenolic nature of the deposits was indicated by autofluorescence under blue light, and immunocytochemical studies demonstrating PP cells are enriched in phenylalanine ammonia lyase (EC, a key enzyme in phenolic synthesis. Susceptible clone PP cells occurred as single rows filled with dense deposits. The resistant clone had 40% more PP cells, which occurred in rows two cells thick with individual cells also scattered among the sieve cells, and had lighter deposits. Trees inoculated with fungus were analyzed but a distinct fungal response could not be separated from the general wound response. In the resistant clone, phenolic bodies were reduced in size and density or disappeared completely 12 day after wounding, and PP cell size increased. The susceptible clone phenolics and cell size changed only slightly. These data show that PP cells are active in synthesis, storage, and modification of phenolics in response to wounding, providing a primary site of constitutive and inducible defenses.


Artikkelen beskriver og diskuterer resultat fra en feltforsøksserie der chipspotet av sorten Saturna ble tilført kaliumgjødsel med ulik løselighet. En ville undersøke om plantenes kaliumopptak og frekvensen av indre defekter i knollene varierte med gjødseltypen.


Artikkelen omtalar nye aktuelle sortar og grunnstammer til bruk i norsk pæredyrking. Vidare vert ulike forskingsprosjekt i Norden omtala.